It's been more than a week since I've back from Amsterdam and there's still no updates.. Well, everyone's been asking how was Amsterdam and I must say I did not spend a lot of time exploring the place. I guess our primary objective was IDFA, and secondary being touring the place so that was what we ended up doing.. I'll just let pictures do the rest of the talking...
(I'm still missing lots of pictures of myself cos they are mostly in Shun's camera, since she'll be the one taking photos of me.. haha..)
Do click into the album where u can read captions...
Monday, December 08, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
days in Amsterdam
I'm in cold, COLD Amsterdam.
It's been a pretty cool 2 days in Amsterdam, literally and figuratively.
I'm doing nothing much but watching Docu films all day long. Awed by some, touched by others and getting angry too. That's documentaries.
And we also made time to visit the Van Gogh musuem. and I actually sneaked some photos which I later realised I'm not supposed to be taking. haha
Our film will be premiering tomorrow morning! So excited...
And it does seems like it would snow in Amsterdam soon. It's been drizzling and hailing quite a bit today. And the wind is making my hair messy all the time.
Will explore more of the city soon. But I do miss eating soupy stuff esp cos it's so cold here... cos all I'm havng here is bread, bread and more bread.
It's been a pretty cool 2 days in Amsterdam, literally and figuratively.
I'm doing nothing much but watching Docu films all day long. Awed by some, touched by others and getting angry too. That's documentaries.
And we also made time to visit the Van Gogh musuem. and I actually sneaked some photos which I later realised I'm not supposed to be taking. haha
Our film will be premiering tomorrow morning! So excited...
And it does seems like it would snow in Amsterdam soon. It's been drizzling and hailing quite a bit today. And the wind is making my hair messy all the time.
Will explore more of the city soon. But I do miss eating soupy stuff esp cos it's so cold here... cos all I'm havng here is bread, bread and more bread.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
pre departure jitters
it's the all so familiar feeling of pre-departure jitters.
where you feel like there's still so much to do
and yet you don't really know what is not being done
there seem to be so many things to take care of
and so much you still do not know about the place you are going to
when you feel like you need more time to prepare
and you kind of dread leaving altho you've been looking forward to it
and this time it's even more so cos there IS really a lot to do before I leave
like picking up the postcards, and burning the DVDs, and shopping and P-A-C-K-I-N-G
and cos I've been working really hard recently, all I feel like doing at night is sleep or laze in front of the TV set, so I've not been reading up much on my upcoming destination..
and cos I've nv experience sub-10 temp, I'm not sure if what I bring is warm enough, or would it be too warm.
plus all the nitty gritty details like how much memory should I prepare so I can snap happily away, which bag should I bring along..
there's always so much to do...
still it's coming true.. it's going to happen.. I'll be on my way to AMSTERDAM in less than 24 hrs and soon I'll be sitting in a packed theatre (hopefully) and watching my docu with so many others who may laugh and cry and cringe as the characters in the docu do.
where you feel like there's still so much to do
and yet you don't really know what is not being done
there seem to be so many things to take care of
and so much you still do not know about the place you are going to
when you feel like you need more time to prepare
and you kind of dread leaving altho you've been looking forward to it
and this time it's even more so cos there IS really a lot to do before I leave
like picking up the postcards, and burning the DVDs, and shopping and P-A-C-K-I-N-G
and cos I've been working really hard recently, all I feel like doing at night is sleep or laze in front of the TV set, so I've not been reading up much on my upcoming destination..
and cos I've nv experience sub-10 temp, I'm not sure if what I bring is warm enough, or would it be too warm.
plus all the nitty gritty details like how much memory should I prepare so I can snap happily away, which bag should I bring along..
there's always so much to do...
still it's coming true.. it's going to happen.. I'll be on my way to AMSTERDAM in less than 24 hrs and soon I'll be sitting in a packed theatre (hopefully) and watching my docu with so many others who may laugh and cry and cringe as the characters in the docu do.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Obama is the man!

The duel has ended and OBAMA had emerged victorious!
It had indeed been an exciting race to the White House, with history made either way. And it is the race the WORLD is watching and I'm amazed at how emotionally involved I got in it, and also how Obama had got the world behind him. I'm not biased.
Which other US president had Indonesia, Kenya and a town called Obama all the way in Japan backing him with his race to the White House?
Kenya even declared that tomorrow shall be a public holiday so that the nation can celebrate for this man, whose father was from Kenya, and still had relatives there.
In true democratic spirit, the world had witnessed the first Black US President. It moves me just seeing how people reacted with tears of relief and true jubilation at their newly elected President. But of course there is the other camp that had reacted dismally at the lost of whom they support. But it is the intensity of the emotions, either way, that struck me.
Would we ever get to see this in Singapore? Would Singaporeans get passionate about politics?
Then and again, the intensity of the emotions came from pent up frustration from the previous administration's failed governance. Just look at other countries in the region which had similar predicament recently and we have no lack of examples - Taiwan, Thailand and to a lesser extent Malaysia.
Does it always take failed leadership for the people to stand up for change and to feel passionate about the country? Would I rather live under a stable, steady and capable government's rule and never know what it is like to feel passionate?
Would you?
Monday, October 27, 2008
making my day
It was an activity filled Saturday with me shuttling between 3-4 places and meeting many, and I mean MANY ppl cos I was covering the Singapore Hit Awards. BUT the saddest thing is I did not manage to take any photo at all cos while the artistes were in the Media Centre, my main concern is getting soundbites from them and I had no extra pair of hands to be taking photos.
And I did not even get to watch any of the performances by the singers, except the opening performance, cos we were all stuck in at backstage, in the Media Centre, afraid that we might miss out when any of the singers pop by.
While my first reaction when I knew that I was going to cover SHA was "yeah!".. now I'd rather be in the audience seat, enjoying the performances and not worrying about what to be filing back to the station from the backstage. Luckily there were journalist frens that I met which made the wait backstage a lot less boring and also gave me a peace of mind cos at least I know someone else will be helping me keep a lookout, or giving me a helping hand while I'm busy running in and out.
Still, there was something that made my day that day. It had nothing to do with SHA. It was my contact lenses purchasing experience. All about good service.
It started out with me having some discount coupons to buy contact lenses at specific optical outlets. And cos the coupons were going to expire soon, I decided to make my way to the Suntec outlet and expected an ordinary contact lens buying trip.
But the moment I stepped into the store, the staff greeted me with a great smile and asked what I wanted. After I expressed my wish to buy contact lenses, she immediately ushered me to the machine and offer to test my eyes for me. (I remember previous buying trips only asking me what lens I want to buy and did not offer eye testing service unless you ask for it).
And I thought that was it, and she was going to sell me lenses already, but no, she ushered me into the room for more accurate consultation on my eyesight, to determine if I need astig corrective contact lenses since I'm not currently using them altho I do have astig.
After consultation, she told me I'm doing fine without having to wear lenses with astig and proceeded to sell me lenses. She even told me something no one ever told me before - that due to the curvature of my eyeballs, I'm more suited to use smaller lenses, but they do not stock them, so I'll have to wait for them to make the order, which of cos I said ok. (Wow.. I've been wearing and buying contact lenses for 4 years now and no optician had told me that before!)
And cos I decided to change the brand of contact lenses I'm currently using, she decided to throw in a trial pair, which also made me quite happy. (I think they were all supposed to do that when u change brands but not all opticians I go to voluntarily gives me that)
I know it does not seem like anything out of the ordinary or great but it just felt like a really good shopping experience for me. I felt the sincerity in her service attitude and it's been a looong time since I encountered that in shops in Singapore.
And I did not even get to watch any of the performances by the singers, except the opening performance, cos we were all stuck in at backstage, in the Media Centre, afraid that we might miss out when any of the singers pop by.
While my first reaction when I knew that I was going to cover SHA was "yeah!".. now I'd rather be in the audience seat, enjoying the performances and not worrying about what to be filing back to the station from the backstage. Luckily there were journalist frens that I met which made the wait backstage a lot less boring and also gave me a peace of mind cos at least I know someone else will be helping me keep a lookout, or giving me a helping hand while I'm busy running in and out.
Still, there was something that made my day that day. It had nothing to do with SHA. It was my contact lenses purchasing experience. All about good service.
It started out with me having some discount coupons to buy contact lenses at specific optical outlets. And cos the coupons were going to expire soon, I decided to make my way to the Suntec outlet and expected an ordinary contact lens buying trip.
But the moment I stepped into the store, the staff greeted me with a great smile and asked what I wanted. After I expressed my wish to buy contact lenses, she immediately ushered me to the machine and offer to test my eyes for me. (I remember previous buying trips only asking me what lens I want to buy and did not offer eye testing service unless you ask for it).
And I thought that was it, and she was going to sell me lenses already, but no, she ushered me into the room for more accurate consultation on my eyesight, to determine if I need astig corrective contact lenses since I'm not currently using them altho I do have astig.
After consultation, she told me I'm doing fine without having to wear lenses with astig and proceeded to sell me lenses. She even told me something no one ever told me before - that due to the curvature of my eyeballs, I'm more suited to use smaller lenses, but they do not stock them, so I'll have to wait for them to make the order, which of cos I said ok. (Wow.. I've been wearing and buying contact lenses for 4 years now and no optician had told me that before!)
And cos I decided to change the brand of contact lenses I'm currently using, she decided to throw in a trial pair, which also made me quite happy. (I think they were all supposed to do that when u change brands but not all opticians I go to voluntarily gives me that)
I know it does not seem like anything out of the ordinary or great but it just felt like a really good shopping experience for me. I felt the sincerity in her service attitude and it's been a looong time since I encountered that in shops in Singapore.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Still can't believe I'm going to be heading to Amsterdam in a month. Well that is if everything goes as planned.
Still can't believe our documentary got accepted in IDFA. It's the best World Premiere we could hope for.
Sooo looking forward to attending the festival. It's really a huge thing for me, for us all.
Happy, excited, disbelief.
Now there's still a lot of planning to do.
Amsterdam beckons...
Thursday, October 09, 2008
知道我在电台工作的朋友常要我通知他们什么时候可以在电台上听到我的声音。很不幸的,这非常困难,因为身为记者,采访的项目时间不固定,不到新闻播出时也很难肯定新闻播出的时间。不过,我们也会做feature, 也就是比较深入,也比较长篇的新闻报道,这节目叫《步步追踪》。每天播出由记者或DJ制作的节目。随着播客 podcast的普及,我们也开始赶上潮流,把节目放上网。
要听我之前制作的节目可以到这里搜寻。 其实目前只有一个在网上。9月24号,探讨本地公众是否因为中国毒奶粉事件,已经对中国制造的食品却步。
知道我在电台工作的朋友常要我通知他们什么时候可以在电台上听到我的声音。很不幸的,这非常困难,因为身为记者,采访的项目时间不固定,不到新闻播出时也很难肯定新闻播出的时间。不过,我们也会做feature, 也就是比较深入,也比较长篇的新闻报道,这节目叫《步步追踪》。每天播出由记者或DJ制作的节目。随着播客 podcast的普及,我们也开始赶上潮流,把节目放上网。
要听我之前制作的节目可以到这里搜寻。 其实目前只有一个在网上。9月24号,探讨本地公众是否因为中国毒奶粉事件,已经对中国制造的食品却步。
Monday, September 29, 2008
after F1... now what
I'm never really excited about F1, and now that it's over, it's just life back to normal. It's been a really crazy 3 days at work. And I still did not get to understand what F1 is all about. Tho I did get quite close to the track during the race yesterday.
Actually I was there with my colleague hoping to catch some F1 action, and she was there to work but we ended up doing a hunt of where public could get free spots to watch F1. Here u go... things ppl do to catch F1 for free.
Spiral staircase near McDonald's at Marina Sq facing Esplanade. Night skyline dunch ya think? Good free view.
Anyway, chance upon this today at work. Was interviewing the President of World Toilet Organisation today. I must say I did not take the organisation seriously before this. But after understanding what they are trying to do, I think it's pretty commendable. Trying to get proper sanitation for ppl, especially those living in slums. After having visited slums in Philippines, I seriously think we should do more to help these ppl. So ya, pass this on if you can. Donate if you want.
I Sing For Toilets from Gino Federici on Vimeo.
Actually I was there with my colleague hoping to catch some F1 action, and she was there to work but we ended up doing a hunt of where public could get free spots to watch F1. Here u go... things ppl do to catch F1 for free.
Anyway, chance upon this today at work. Was interviewing the President of World Toilet Organisation today. I must say I did not take the organisation seriously before this. But after understanding what they are trying to do, I think it's pretty commendable. Trying to get proper sanitation for ppl, especially those living in slums. After having visited slums in Philippines, I seriously think we should do more to help these ppl. So ya, pass this on if you can. Donate if you want.
I Sing For Toilets from Gino Federici on Vimeo.
I still can't believe that Khaw Boon Wan is looking at compensation for organ donors in Singapore. And this came AFTER he made a visit to Philippines, especially going to Baseco!!! We are following Philippines' footsteps! NKTI must have brainwashed him or something. Lesaca is probably the mastermind. Most of you reading this would have no idea what and who I'm talking about. Baseco is the exact place I went to to find exploited kidney donors. And it's a slum.
Singapore is going to become kidney hub.
Singapore is going to become kidney hub.
Monday, September 22, 2008

尤其觉得主打歌 《100种生活》 的词是我身为刚毕业的大学生的心情写照,找到了共鸣。
每当我背对星空 抱着地球 我那一百种 要在很就很就以后才会懂
还有 《早安晨之美》 让我非常怀念台湾的早餐店。蛋饼、萝卜糕、馒头、饭团、三明治。想到流口水啦!
后来了解了一下,发现他是因参加台湾政大的金旋奖比赛后被唱片公司发掘的。大学的歌唱和歌曲创作比赛也可以成为这么棒的平台真难得。又开始后悔在政大交换时怎么没有去参加金旋奖 (当工作人员啦,不是参赛者 :P)。

尤其觉得主打歌 《100种生活》 的词是我身为刚毕业的大学生的心情写照,找到了共鸣。
整个世界 停止 不转动 很寂寞
走在海边 数着 萤火虫 好困惑
不想掉进这深深 漩涡
整个海洋 摆动 柔软地 举起我
孤独给我 自由 犹豫得 好感动
该怎么走 谁来告诉我 wow
每当我背对星空 抱着地球
发现自己其实脆弱 不敢说
当我背对星空 孤独摸索
爱情渐渐萎缩 我猜不透
无边的宇宙 哪里有我想要的生活
还有 《早安晨之美》 让我非常怀念台湾的早餐店。蛋饼、萝卜糕、馒头、饭团、三明治。想到流口水啦!
后来了解了一下,发现他是因参加台湾政大的金旋奖比赛后被唱片公司发掘的。大学的歌唱和歌曲创作比赛也可以成为这么棒的平台真难得。又开始后悔在政大交换时怎么没有去参加金旋奖 (当工作人员啦,不是参赛者 :P)。
Friday, September 19, 2008
1 gold, 1 silver, 2 bronze
Hasn't kept up with my blog posts.
But if u still dun know how many medals Singapore won in this Paralympics, u deserve to kok ur head on the wall.. or on the floor. which ever u like.
1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronzes.
Team Singapore for Paralympics will be back today. I'm truly proud of them.
A summary to my feelings on Paralympics here.
Good night.
But if u still dun know how many medals Singapore won in this Paralympics, u deserve to kok ur head on the wall.. or on the floor. which ever u like.
1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronzes.
Team Singapore for Paralympics will be back today. I'm truly proud of them.
A summary to my feelings on Paralympics here.
Good night.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Singapore's 1st Paralympics Medal!
Singapore's got her first Paralympics Medal!! A bronze medal but no less pride goes into it.
There had been so much talk around the Olympics as it happened, but how many actually realised that the Paralympics is taking place and actually is interested in knowing the results? I think the Paralympics sportmen actually deserve as much respect, if not more, than those who represent the country for Olympics. But I've come to know that if the Paralympics sportmen win a Gold for Singapore, they'll only be getting $100,000. That's just a mere 10% of the amount for a Gold in Olympics!!!
Paralympics sportsmen have to face even more difficulties while training hard to represent the country. Their disability probably already cost them a bomb to treat, plus the money to be spent to allow them to continue training, the kind of effort they have to out in for everyday activities, much less into training, stretching themselves.
Our first Paralympics medal came from Equestrian, from 29 year-old Laurentia Tan, who suffers from cerebal palsy and is profoundly deaf. I felt so touched when I heard her soundbite, proudly saying "I'm proud to win a medal for Singapore." It was only 8 words, 4 seconds of speech and even slightly muffled but it showed all the more effort she had put into this sport that she loved.
And she does have other achievements as well. Laurentia is a university graduate and is working as a mental health worker in London where she is based. Goes to show so much that persons with physical disability can well achieve more than what you and me could.
Well, I supposed she came from a privileged background which provided her a chance to achieve her potential. But I think what they really need is a platform to show that they can contribute duly to society.
Incidentally, I saw a local documentary today on the profile of a cerebal palsy patient. She was not as fortunate as Laurentia. She lost her mum when she was 12, her dad left her and she was sent to a home when her grandma could not longer take care of her. Her biggest wish in life was to be a useful person, to contribute to society and she finally found her calling in art. She went on to paint many master pieces which helped raised a lot of money for the home.
They all yearn for a platform to make themselves useful, to contribute to society. But as able people, does the idea of contributing to society even come as naturally as it does to them?
There had been so much talk around the Olympics as it happened, but how many actually realised that the Paralympics is taking place and actually is interested in knowing the results? I think the Paralympics sportmen actually deserve as much respect, if not more, than those who represent the country for Olympics. But I've come to know that if the Paralympics sportmen win a Gold for Singapore, they'll only be getting $100,000. That's just a mere 10% of the amount for a Gold in Olympics!!!
Paralympics sportsmen have to face even more difficulties while training hard to represent the country. Their disability probably already cost them a bomb to treat, plus the money to be spent to allow them to continue training, the kind of effort they have to out in for everyday activities, much less into training, stretching themselves.
Our first Paralympics medal came from Equestrian, from 29 year-old Laurentia Tan, who suffers from cerebal palsy and is profoundly deaf. I felt so touched when I heard her soundbite, proudly saying "I'm proud to win a medal for Singapore." It was only 8 words, 4 seconds of speech and even slightly muffled but it showed all the more effort she had put into this sport that she loved.
And she does have other achievements as well. Laurentia is a university graduate and is working as a mental health worker in London where she is based. Goes to show so much that persons with physical disability can well achieve more than what you and me could.
Well, I supposed she came from a privileged background which provided her a chance to achieve her potential. But I think what they really need is a platform to show that they can contribute duly to society.
Incidentally, I saw a local documentary today on the profile of a cerebal palsy patient. She was not as fortunate as Laurentia. She lost her mum when she was 12, her dad left her and she was sent to a home when her grandma could not longer take care of her. Her biggest wish in life was to be a useful person, to contribute to society and she finally found her calling in art. She went on to paint many master pieces which helped raised a lot of money for the home.
They all yearn for a platform to make themselves useful, to contribute to society. But as able people, does the idea of contributing to society even come as naturally as it does to them?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
running on adrenaline
I'm running on adrenaline the whole night. Left office only at 1am and had dinner only after I reached home. Why?
Cos I was covering the STTA press conference. Covering the conference is only half the excitement. I had to file 'live' report back to the station. It's my debut filing live and I felt the anxiousness from the moment I was told of the assignment as soon as I got into office today.
I have more or less been following the saga that had gone on for the Singapore Table Tennis team. The Gao Ning incident, Lee Bee Wah wanting to sack the manager, Head Coach Liu Guodong's job being on the line. It has gone on and on, casting a dark cloud on the Women's Team victorious return from the Beijing Olympics with the medal that Singapore has been waiting 48 years for.
And the media knows that the whole saga perpetuated BECOS of the media. I would not have known who Gao Ning and Yang Zi are if not for this saga. So in a way, it has risen the profile of the men's team which have been living under the shadow of the women's team for the longest time.
Anyway, yesterday's press conference was the first time I saw so much media at one event. Every single news platform was represented and each publication/platform had like 2 reporters, and there were at least 5 photog. We even had live feed back to the office. It felt like THE event to be at.
The Table Tennis Team were also there in full force. From the president to the coach and manager and everyone from the men's and women's team. And that was when I realised I have no idea who the reserve woman player is, what is her name. Nor the other male players other than Gao Ning and Yang Zi. It was as if if did not matter if they were there or not.
But seriously, I think it's time to let the matter rest and a more or less happy ending have been set. The men's team will get their own head coach, Liu Guodong will stay as the women's coach and manager Antony will move on to SNOC after he's done with matters pertaining to the Olympics at STTA.
And after tonight, I have new found respect for Dr Vivian and Teo Ser Luck, seeing that they have handled the situation pretty well and I think it's only right they called for the press con to set the matter to rest.
While I think my debut live report is far from perfect, not even good, and I had to race for time to release soundbites and packages for every hour after that, on an empty stomach, I felt a sense of satisfaction that is indescribable at the end of the day. I think I'm still on adrenaline rush now. Remnants of the chain of events that happened today. And this is how I'm reminded why I chose to do what I am doing now. This is job satisfaction.
Cos I was covering the STTA press conference. Covering the conference is only half the excitement. I had to file 'live' report back to the station. It's my debut filing live and I felt the anxiousness from the moment I was told of the assignment as soon as I got into office today.
I have more or less been following the saga that had gone on for the Singapore Table Tennis team. The Gao Ning incident, Lee Bee Wah wanting to sack the manager, Head Coach Liu Guodong's job being on the line. It has gone on and on, casting a dark cloud on the Women's Team victorious return from the Beijing Olympics with the medal that Singapore has been waiting 48 years for.
And the media knows that the whole saga perpetuated BECOS of the media. I would not have known who Gao Ning and Yang Zi are if not for this saga. So in a way, it has risen the profile of the men's team which have been living under the shadow of the women's team for the longest time.
Anyway, yesterday's press conference was the first time I saw so much media at one event. Every single news platform was represented and each publication/platform had like 2 reporters, and there were at least 5 photog. We even had live feed back to the office. It felt like THE event to be at.
The Table Tennis Team were also there in full force. From the president to the coach and manager and everyone from the men's and women's team. And that was when I realised I have no idea who the reserve woman player is, what is her name. Nor the other male players other than Gao Ning and Yang Zi. It was as if if did not matter if they were there or not.
But seriously, I think it's time to let the matter rest and a more or less happy ending have been set. The men's team will get their own head coach, Liu Guodong will stay as the women's coach and manager Antony will move on to SNOC after he's done with matters pertaining to the Olympics at STTA.
And after tonight, I have new found respect for Dr Vivian and Teo Ser Luck, seeing that they have handled the situation pretty well and I think it's only right they called for the press con to set the matter to rest.
While I think my debut live report is far from perfect, not even good, and I had to race for time to release soundbites and packages for every hour after that, on an empty stomach, I felt a sense of satisfaction that is indescribable at the end of the day. I think I'm still on adrenaline rush now. Remnants of the chain of events that happened today. And this is how I'm reminded why I chose to do what I am doing now. This is job satisfaction.
Monday, August 25, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008
on ndp and olympics and everything in between
finally.. a day of total slackness today after an exciting, and slightly exhausting week...
actually it's been an exciting day today just watching the semis of the Table Tennis Women's Team event. heart racing with each point they fall behind by. even tho none of them were born Singaporean, there is still this pride that they are going to give Singapore her first Olympics medal since independence. I guess it felt most close to heart as Li Jiawei was playing cos she felt the most Singaporean among all. Her 3rd time representing Singapore in Olympics. We've seen her grow in Table Tennis, saw her fall in and out of love, seen her at NDP saying the pledge... I guess it's these little things that made us (or me at least) to be able to acknowledge her as a Singaporean. I've nv even heard of Feng Tianwei and Wang Yuegu before this Olympics, so pardon me for not being able to feel for them, altho Feng did really well and is really the heroine for Singapore now. SILVER for Singapore!
on a separate note, I went to the Padang on National Day for the second year running, hoping to soak into some celebratory mood and of course to see the fireworks. did not start well cos it was raining, then there were these tentages blocking our view from the huge screen and finally, because of the rain earlier on, the air was really stagnant causing the smoke from the fireworks to not be able to disperse fast enough so we only managed to see the fireworks in the first 2 mins or so. the rest were all hidden behind thick smoke. still it wasn't a trip wasted cos I made a new fren! haha.. and she turned out to be my senior from DHS. the world is just too small. i think everyone in Singapore is probably just 3 degrees apart at the most. ha!
and on Sunday, I was at the 12 Lotus premiere. quite surprised to be sitting right behind the cast. well, can't help but want to compare it to 881 and after some long hard thinking, I still think I preferred 881, esp in terms of storyline, tho I think 12 Lotus does have great cinematography. 12 Lotus has a very solemn story definitely but I felt it did not develop very well and the characters do not resonant as much. well of cos I feel sad for Lian Hua and all, but the feeling is not as strong as that I felt for Little Papaya. Also, there some points were I will actually question the development. Well, Royston still had his signature weird song sequences ala 881. I was more awed by the fact that he could sing a Hokkien song so well. Still worth a watch but I think it might not go down as well as 881 for most.
Now a photo treat. NDP 08 as seen from Padang!
actually it's been an exciting day today just watching the semis of the Table Tennis Women's Team event. heart racing with each point they fall behind by. even tho none of them were born Singaporean, there is still this pride that they are going to give Singapore her first Olympics medal since independence. I guess it felt most close to heart as Li Jiawei was playing cos she felt the most Singaporean among all. Her 3rd time representing Singapore in Olympics. We've seen her grow in Table Tennis, saw her fall in and out of love, seen her at NDP saying the pledge... I guess it's these little things that made us (or me at least) to be able to acknowledge her as a Singaporean. I've nv even heard of Feng Tianwei and Wang Yuegu before this Olympics, so pardon me for not being able to feel for them, altho Feng did really well and is really the heroine for Singapore now. SILVER for Singapore!
on a separate note, I went to the Padang on National Day for the second year running, hoping to soak into some celebratory mood and of course to see the fireworks. did not start well cos it was raining, then there were these tentages blocking our view from the huge screen and finally, because of the rain earlier on, the air was really stagnant causing the smoke from the fireworks to not be able to disperse fast enough so we only managed to see the fireworks in the first 2 mins or so. the rest were all hidden behind thick smoke. still it wasn't a trip wasted cos I made a new fren! haha.. and she turned out to be my senior from DHS. the world is just too small. i think everyone in Singapore is probably just 3 degrees apart at the most. ha!
and on Sunday, I was at the 12 Lotus premiere. quite surprised to be sitting right behind the cast. well, can't help but want to compare it to 881 and after some long hard thinking, I still think I preferred 881, esp in terms of storyline, tho I think 12 Lotus does have great cinematography. 12 Lotus has a very solemn story definitely but I felt it did not develop very well and the characters do not resonant as much. well of cos I feel sad for Lian Hua and all, but the feeling is not as strong as that I felt for Little Papaya. Also, there some points were I will actually question the development. Well, Royston still had his signature weird song sequences ala 881. I was more awed by the fact that he could sing a Hokkien song so well. Still worth a watch but I think it might not go down as well as 881 for most.
Now a photo treat. NDP 08 as seen from Padang!
Saturday, August 02, 2008

It's over. My life as an undergraduate is officially over since last Saturday as we don the Harry Potter Gryffindor House look-alike gown and put on that "mother-board".
It was not the most exciting ceremony around, listening to people's names being called and waiting for your name to be called to enjoy that 20 seconds of fame on stage. But sitting there with the 100-odd people whom you've braved the last 4 years together is indeed fulfilling.
Once again I feel the love I had for school. For WKWSCI actually. For the people that make up my batch. People who know what work hard and play hard meant. People who are enthusiastic about work, who take pride in what we do, who slog together overnight in school, people who bitch about the sucky project group mates together, people who have been great group mates., people who stick to passion. Teamwork had been a crucial part in SCI and I thank god that although I had my fair share of SPGs, the greater part of my studies have been blessed with great group mates. Well and also the faculty that made lessons so much more interesting and bearable, faculty we could openly challenge. I could not have imagined how my life would be like looking and numbers and formulaes for 4 years and doing past exams papers to prepare for exams.

My parents and grandparents. I think the ceremony meant even more for them than it was for me.
Wish I had more time to take photos with everyone that played a part in my 4 years in SCI.
Just yesterday, I went back to school once again, well in a glorified manner cos I was there to collect prizes. And I was actually late, so the ceremony was over and I had to listen to Lee CW give the freshies a lecture on what life will be like in WKWSCI. The mundane division talk, scoring system, what is edventure, who you can approach for assistance blah blah. Suddenly I realised I did not sit thru that when I was a freshie cos I pon first day of school. Must be pay back that I had to listen to that AFTER I'd graduated.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Just as I was reminiscing the 19 days spent in the land with the best sashimi in the world with the Scandalous Six, and wondering if we would ever be traveling together and having such a ball of a time together again, Dee showed us this video she made.
Photos and songs that mark the great trip! 19 days of laughter, fun, craziness, screams, baggage lugging, rushing for trains, deciding which good food to eat, counting corners to find hostels, frantic photo taking and everything else came rushing back.
Thanks Dee. Truly touched.
Photos and songs that mark the great trip! 19 days of laughter, fun, craziness, screams, baggage lugging, rushing for trains, deciding which good food to eat, counting corners to find hostels, frantic photo taking and everything else came rushing back.
Thanks Dee. Truly touched.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
的确,当了正式职员就有更多的责任,包括在958的网站上写blog. 毕竟是代表公司、代表新闻室的blog, 所以文法一定要正确,所以要先从练习一下。
的确,当了正式职员就有更多的责任,包括在958的网站上写blog. 毕竟是代表公司、代表新闻室的blog, 所以文法一定要正确,所以要先从练习一下。
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Celebrity Collage
A celebrity commented yesterday that I have 明星脸。haha. Actually I think I have 大众脸。 A lot people I meet for the first time tells me I look like someone they know or find me familiar.
I saw this on my friend's blog and decided to give it a try. So do you I look like these celebs? (Tho I kinda dun know who some of them are.) Or do I look like someone else you know? I would like to know who you think I look like. Haha! Kinda interesting.

I saw this on my friend's blog and decided to give it a try. So do you I look like these celebs? (Tho I kinda dun know who some of them are.) Or do I look like someone else you know? I would like to know who you think I look like. Haha! Kinda interesting.
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
Friday, July 11, 2008
The only reason I'm still awake at this time is cos it's my off day tomorrow. The past few first days of work have been quite tiring... mentally. I been feeling really sleepy and tired and don't really wanna do much after I get home other than eat dinner, bathe and sleep. I think I've been slacking for too long and still have not gotten used to the pace of work in the newsroom.
But it gets quite satisfying after a fulfilling day of work. Finished 4 packages this week, got to to my own VOs, nice start. And there will be more challenges to come. I think the biggest challenge will be filing live reports. I'm nervous just by the thought of it.
Anyway, 7th Jul is also the day I collect my Convocation Gown. It was only when I looked at myself in the mirror while trying out the gown that I thought, "I'm really graduating".
I didn't think that Convocation is a big deal, and I was really preparing to give it a miss if I had gone for Work and Travel. But now with the academic gown in hand, I'm really looking forward to the day I'm going to wear that and commemorate the survival of 4 yrs of numerous sleepless nights and crazy deadlines, saying goodbye to SPGs but most of all celebrating the friendships that have been made.
Now a treat. I crazily went for K Lunch with the J trip buddies,Jan and Carrie before heading for my first day of work. It's stressful to sing with great singers around you know. But it's also great to hear them sing.
Here's Diya's rendition of 你是我的眼。Sweet.
The only reason I'm still awake at this time is cos it's my off day tomorrow. The past few first days of work have been quite tiring... mentally. I been feeling really sleepy and tired and don't really wanna do much after I get home other than eat dinner, bathe and sleep. I think I've been slacking for too long and still have not gotten used to the pace of work in the newsroom.
But it gets quite satisfying after a fulfilling day of work. Finished 4 packages this week, got to to my own VOs, nice start. And there will be more challenges to come. I think the biggest challenge will be filing live reports. I'm nervous just by the thought of it.
Anyway, 7th Jul is also the day I collect my Convocation Gown. It was only when I looked at myself in the mirror while trying out the gown that I thought, "I'm really graduating".
I didn't think that Convocation is a big deal, and I was really preparing to give it a miss if I had gone for Work and Travel. But now with the academic gown in hand, I'm really looking forward to the day I'm going to wear that and commemorate the survival of 4 yrs of numerous sleepless nights and crazy deadlines, saying goodbye to SPGs but most of all celebrating the friendships that have been made.
Now a treat. I crazily went for K Lunch with the J trip buddies,Jan and Carrie before heading for my first day of work. It's stressful to sing with great singers around you know. But it's also great to hear them sing.
Here's Diya's rendition of 你是我的眼。Sweet.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
the calm before the storm
my final day before starting work tomorrow.
have been busy meeting sec sch frens and jc frens lately and it's so nice to see that everyone is doing really well. most have graduated, starting work or started work. most of my gal frens are blissfully attached. ppl getting married. hmmm.. when will it be my turn?
i'm abt 90% recovered from my nose surgery. able to breathe normally thru my nose now, after a "nose toilet" session a couple of days ago at the clinic, my first follow up. i got to see the insides of my nose which was well... hairy and slimy. and i'm out and running about a lot already. haha.. a sign that i'm well!
and it's nothing but good news recently. ha going to win quite a bit of cash prize for the various awards that i'll be getting from school. a nice ending to my school life i would say. getting my academic gown tomorrow. never realised how i look forward to be wearing that until now. a real sense of achievement. I AM PROUD OF MYSELF!
have been busy meeting sec sch frens and jc frens lately and it's so nice to see that everyone is doing really well. most have graduated, starting work or started work. most of my gal frens are blissfully attached. ppl getting married. hmmm.. when will it be my turn?
i'm abt 90% recovered from my nose surgery. able to breathe normally thru my nose now, after a "nose toilet" session a couple of days ago at the clinic, my first follow up. i got to see the insides of my nose which was well... hairy and slimy. and i'm out and running about a lot already. haha.. a sign that i'm well!
and it's nothing but good news recently. ha going to win quite a bit of cash prize for the various awards that i'll be getting from school. a nice ending to my school life i would say. getting my academic gown tomorrow. never realised how i look forward to be wearing that until now. a real sense of achievement. I AM PROUD OF MYSELF!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
back with a new nose
i'm back!! at home at least... but won't be back in action so soon cos i'm supposed to be avoiding crowded places to prevent myself from getting cold or flu which would aggravate my nose.
it's been a hell of an experience getting my nose "fixed". lost like a couple of litres of blood and still suffering from a blocked nose cos i'm not supposed to blow my nose and just try to let it clear by itself. (and when will that come? i want to breathe thru my nose!)
here's to the before and after of me (and my nose).
me still nice and cheery before the operation, oblivious to the suffering that is to come after the op.
this is me a while after the op. all puffy-eyed and unable to even give a little smile. bleeding thru my nose. and at some point i was puking blood and felt like a vampire cos the blood from my nose is back flowing into my mouth. yucks.. i know.
this is me a couple of hours into the night, feeling much better as i'm no longer bleeding as profusely and there were Jen, Jing, Shun and Diya with me, trying to entertain me which was not very wise cos i could only breathe thru my mouth and laughing hard means i can't breathe. also does not help that my ear was blocked badly cos of the nose pack that was stuffed in my nose. think there was a lot of pressure build up in my head.
spent a night at the hospital with a whole room to myself, not cos i stayed in A class ward but that there was just no one else. which was good cos then my visitors got to stay till 10pm before the nurses chased them home. haha.
many many thanks to Xinpei who was the first one to come visit me and brought me a little yellow flower. and to Jing, Jen, Shun and Diya who were with me till 10pm and did not have their dinner.
i'm still having a perpetual nose blood of sorts but i no longer need the white gauze over my nose other than when i go to sleep. and that's expected for about a week after the op. sigh.
it's been a hell of an experience getting my nose "fixed". lost like a couple of litres of blood and still suffering from a blocked nose cos i'm not supposed to blow my nose and just try to let it clear by itself. (and when will that come? i want to breathe thru my nose!)
here's to the before and after of me (and my nose).

spent a night at the hospital with a whole room to myself, not cos i stayed in A class ward but that there was just no one else. which was good cos then my visitors got to stay till 10pm before the nurses chased them home. haha.
many many thanks to Xinpei who was the first one to come visit me and brought me a little yellow flower. and to Jing, Jen, Shun and Diya who were with me till 10pm and did not have their dinner.
i'm still having a perpetual nose blood of sorts but i no longer need the white gauze over my nose other than when i go to sleep. and that's expected for about a week after the op. sigh.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
nose job!
OMG OMG OMG!! can't believe i'm going to get a nose job in less than 10 hrs from now.
yes. i'm going under the knife not to look prettier but to unblock my nose. and hopefully get rid of my nasal voice for good.
i think i was pretty zen when i decided to go for the operation but i'm getting a little nervous now. i'm going to be under general anesthesia for about an hour to get the septum of my nose (which is the part separating the two nostrils) corrected cos it's now crooked and is making one side of the nostril really narrow.
it's actually not the first time i'm going under the knife and now that i'm going thru that again reminds me of the ordeal i went thru when i was like 8? i was also at SGH and trying to get a lump off my back. it was also a small op but when u are 8, it's like a really big deal to have needles stuck in your hands and being wheeled into the operating room alone. kinda scary. the last thing i remembered before i went under anesthesia was a nurse chatting with me and asking me to take deep breathes. well, at least i think it was a nice nurse.
i dun think i would be coaxed like i was 8 this time but i hope the nurse is still nice. hates fierce nurses who barks at you like u whole them a million dollars.
i'll need to be fasting from 12am (which is abt 10 mins away) so i shall go get my last sip of water. and i'll prob be MIA for a week.
will try to give updates of how my nose look like after the op. haha! if i'm up to it.
wish me luck!
yes. i'm going under the knife not to look prettier but to unblock my nose. and hopefully get rid of my nasal voice for good.
i think i was pretty zen when i decided to go for the operation but i'm getting a little nervous now. i'm going to be under general anesthesia for about an hour to get the septum of my nose (which is the part separating the two nostrils) corrected cos it's now crooked and is making one side of the nostril really narrow.
it's actually not the first time i'm going under the knife and now that i'm going thru that again reminds me of the ordeal i went thru when i was like 8? i was also at SGH and trying to get a lump off my back. it was also a small op but when u are 8, it's like a really big deal to have needles stuck in your hands and being wheeled into the operating room alone. kinda scary. the last thing i remembered before i went under anesthesia was a nurse chatting with me and asking me to take deep breathes. well, at least i think it was a nice nurse.
i dun think i would be coaxed like i was 8 this time but i hope the nurse is still nice. hates fierce nurses who barks at you like u whole them a million dollars.
i'll need to be fasting from 12am (which is abt 10 mins away) so i shall go get my last sip of water. and i'll prob be MIA for a week.
will try to give updates of how my nose look like after the op. haha! if i'm up to it.
wish me luck!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
photos up! phew!
Yeah!! Finally done with photo uploading and found a way to embed the slide show on my blog!! (Tho it's really tiny cos I can't figure out another place to put them liaoz.) Pls view all 7 installments. Haha
Choosing and uploading photos have been keeping me off boredom the past few days. (Act not like I don't have anything else to do, but i'm just putting them off - things like settling my FYP account so that I can get money from SFC!)
Anyway went for something exciting the other day too! A movie premiere with Mr President and stars like Zoe Tay. (Ok not forgetting Diya too since she was the one who gave us the tickets :P) It was a charity movie premiere for YMCA for the movie Get Smart. I seriously DO NOT understand why they chose this movie cos it involves the plotting of an assassination of a President in LA and there was a line in the movie that goes something like this.
"Why did you choose to bomb LA?"
"Cos the President will be there."
"Oh, then it's too bad for the stars."
And we were watching the movie with our President among the various stars from Mediacorp. Hmmm....
As for the movie, it was funny, but the best I can say is it's low grade laughter. Would not have paid to watch it. And it does not help that we were sitting on the third row and I was getting giddy with all the fast action happening right in front of me.
Choosing and uploading photos have been keeping me off boredom the past few days. (Act not like I don't have anything else to do, but i'm just putting them off - things like settling my FYP account so that I can get money from SFC!)
Anyway went for something exciting the other day too! A movie premiere with Mr President and stars like Zoe Tay. (Ok not forgetting Diya too since she was the one who gave us the tickets :P) It was a charity movie premiere for YMCA for the movie Get Smart. I seriously DO NOT understand why they chose this movie cos it involves the plotting of an assassination of a President in LA and there was a line in the movie that goes something like this.
"Why did you choose to bomb LA?"
"Cos the President will be there."
"Oh, then it's too bad for the stars."
And we were watching the movie with our President among the various stars from Mediacorp. Hmmm....
As for the movie, it was funny, but the best I can say is it's low grade laughter. Would not have paid to watch it. And it does not help that we were sitting on the third row and I was getting giddy with all the fast action happening right in front of me.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Japan photos!
I've finally gotten down to uploading photos. But sieving thru 8000+ photos is no joke so it'll be done in batches.
First installment. Kinky Japan Grad Trip Day 1 & 2. Features us at Aeon Shopping Mall in Narita, Mt Fuji and Hakone National Park.
I will try to put captions if I'm i the mood to but right now it's more of uploading photos first.
First installment. Kinky Japan Grad Trip Day 1 & 2. Features us at Aeon Shopping Mall in Narita, Mt Fuji and Hakone National Park.
I will try to put captions if I'm i the mood to but right now it's more of uploading photos first.
grad trip
Sunday, June 15, 2008
reformat.restart.refresh my life
finally got down to reformatting my lappie after my task bar disappeared on FYP judgment day. now it's like new again and it somewhat signifies my life henceforth. and since i'm in the mood to reorganise my life, i'm looking to upload Japan photos soon, now that I've got the photos categorized according to dates, thanks to Jen. Promise it would be up by next week.
just signed my one year contract with Mediacorp last week. selling my life for a year. it's not that i do not like the job, in fact i'm afraid that i would get too much in it and end up like when i was during internship - have no life. i'm a workaholic.
results out, job sealed, i'm just about to start the next phase of my life but not after a good hard break! it's GSS so time to shop!
just signed my one year contract with Mediacorp last week. selling my life for a year. it's not that i do not like the job, in fact i'm afraid that i would get too much in it and end up like when i was during internship - have no life. i'm a workaholic.
results out, job sealed, i'm just about to start the next phase of my life but not after a good hard break! it's GSS so time to shop!
Thursday, June 05, 2008
drowsy sleepy zzz
i'm very drowsy now... very drowsy from the medication i got after i finally decided to go to the doctor's for my bad bad cough. since i can still claim from my travel insurance.
should have asked for non drowsy medication. i tot it should be find but it's not. i got interview tom morning and post grad trippers gathering tom afternoon. argh. dun wanna be drowsy.
but i'm going... going... gone.
should have asked for non drowsy medication. i tot it should be find but it's not. i got interview tom morning and post grad trippers gathering tom afternoon. argh. dun wanna be drowsy.
but i'm going... going... gone.
post grad trip
i always tot that no one actually checks my blog so i got really lazy to write anything..
but recently to my surprise, ppl ARE actually visiting my blog and are hoping to know wat has been going on in my life and i'm kinda touched. so for these ppl, i promise i will post more often, and spice it up a little with more pictures.. (even i am sick of my blog, i think it's time for revamp again. but till i'm in the mood to design - i'm one miss procrastinator)
so now, here's ONE picture to show u how crazy i got in Disneyland.

not a very well taken picture but these are the card holders i actually bought in Disney. On impulse. because they are just sooo cute. and soo Disney. i have no idea who i'm giving them to still. can let me know if u wan one. ha while stocks last.
It's actually the second time i've been to Disneyland AND Disneysea but i still truly enjoyed myself there. I think it's that kind of place you'll never ever get sick of. It's just magical to be there and the child in you really just creeps out. Plus i've always believed that WHO you are traveling with is more important than WHERE you are traveling to. So i'm really glad i'm blessed with great traveling mates this time that made everyday a blast.
and my fav pictures from the trip - the jumping shots! don't we look good half way up in the air?

but recently to my surprise, ppl ARE actually visiting my blog and are hoping to know wat has been going on in my life and i'm kinda touched. so for these ppl, i promise i will post more often, and spice it up a little with more pictures.. (even i am sick of my blog, i think it's time for revamp again. but till i'm in the mood to design - i'm one miss procrastinator)
so now, here's ONE picture to show u how crazy i got in Disneyland.
not a very well taken picture but these are the card holders i actually bought in Disney. On impulse. because they are just sooo cute. and soo Disney. i have no idea who i'm giving them to still. can let me know if u wan one. ha while stocks last.
It's actually the second time i've been to Disneyland AND Disneysea but i still truly enjoyed myself there. I think it's that kind of place you'll never ever get sick of. It's just magical to be there and the child in you really just creeps out. Plus i've always believed that WHO you are traveling with is more important than WHERE you are traveling to. So i'm really glad i'm blessed with great traveling mates this time that made everyday a blast.
and my fav pictures from the trip - the jumping shots! don't we look good half way up in the air?

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Sayonara Nippon!
Back from my 19 days Kinky Japan Grad Trip!! (And I'm missing Japan already)
Summary of trip
Places visited in Tokyo:
Mt Fuji (where I saw real snow for the 1st time!)
Hakone Park
Tokyo Disneyland
Tokyo Disneysea
Asakusa (witnessed a huge festival there)
Yasukuni Shrine (the controversial shrine)
Tsukiji Fish Market (with the BEST sushi in the world)
In Kyushu:
Fukuoka (had yatai dinner)
Nagasaki (atomic bomb museum, peace park)
Kumamoto (Mt Aso, RAFTING)
Beppu (Hells of Beppu which was super boring and totally out to cheat tourists; tried sand bath; played with fireworks!)
Osaka (Universal Studios, Shinsaibashi, Dotonbori)
Kyoto (Kiyomizudera - a famous temple, Gion - to see Geisha)
It's been a great trip with great people and Japan is just an awesome country. People are nice and courteous and mostly considerate, service is great, food is good and is full of things that are so wow! But mostly I'm very happy that I've not lost my Jap ability even after 5 years of not using it. It's a bit difficult to hold conversations but at least I could get myself understood and get around really well.
And I'm really happy that I got to meet my Japanese frens again, those that hosted me when I last visited Tokyo and Osaka. It's so nice to have friends that one can visit there and it's a pity and I can't meet with with them all. Wished I could spend more time to visit all my frens and to go to Waseda University which at a point in time was my dream school.
I am seriously considering my friend's mum's suggestion of working in Japan. My Jap is not THAT good but enough to get by. BUT Japan seems like a place full of workaholics. We see people in suits even on weekends. And it has the highest rate of death from overworking. Hmmm... KIV.
But maybe I'll make Japan (and Taiwan) places that I would visit on a regular basis after this. For the friends I have, for the great people and great food and of course great shopping(although it's a bit ex to shop there, but they have lots of quirky stuff that I'm so tempted to buy.
Looking forward to the gathering of the Scandalous Six to exchange photos and probably make a scrap book of the experience in Japan.
It's truly an unforgettable trip. Thanks Jen, Jing, Shun, Hsu and Diya for making it unforgettable.
Summary of trip
Places visited in Tokyo:
Mt Fuji (where I saw real snow for the 1st time!)
Hakone Park
Tokyo Disneyland
Tokyo Disneysea
Asakusa (witnessed a huge festival there)
Yasukuni Shrine (the controversial shrine)
Tsukiji Fish Market (with the BEST sushi in the world)
In Kyushu:
Fukuoka (had yatai dinner)
Nagasaki (atomic bomb museum, peace park)
Kumamoto (Mt Aso, RAFTING)
Beppu (Hells of Beppu which was super boring and totally out to cheat tourists; tried sand bath; played with fireworks!)
Osaka (Universal Studios, Shinsaibashi, Dotonbori)
Kyoto (Kiyomizudera - a famous temple, Gion - to see Geisha)
It's been a great trip with great people and Japan is just an awesome country. People are nice and courteous and mostly considerate, service is great, food is good and is full of things that are so wow! But mostly I'm very happy that I've not lost my Jap ability even after 5 years of not using it. It's a bit difficult to hold conversations but at least I could get myself understood and get around really well.
And I'm really happy that I got to meet my Japanese frens again, those that hosted me when I last visited Tokyo and Osaka. It's so nice to have friends that one can visit there and it's a pity and I can't meet with with them all. Wished I could spend more time to visit all my frens and to go to Waseda University which at a point in time was my dream school.
I am seriously considering my friend's mum's suggestion of working in Japan. My Jap is not THAT good but enough to get by. BUT Japan seems like a place full of workaholics. We see people in suits even on weekends. And it has the highest rate of death from overworking. Hmmm... KIV.
But maybe I'll make Japan (and Taiwan) places that I would visit on a regular basis after this. For the friends I have, for the great people and great food and of course great shopping(although it's a bit ex to shop there, but they have lots of quirky stuff that I'm so tempted to buy.
Looking forward to the gathering of the Scandalous Six to exchange photos and probably make a scrap book of the experience in Japan.
It's truly an unforgettable trip. Thanks Jen, Jing, Shun, Hsu and Diya for making it unforgettable.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Happy RAT year!
超久没有来po 东西了。从菲律宾回来之后就忙着剪辑、上课、工作,还有忙着搬新家的事。
忽然间意识到自己要毕业了,彷徨了一阵子。见到大家是常被问道:“你毕业了要干嘛?” 虽然有点头绪,但是还是有茫然的感觉。这是个重大的决定!读书时,什么决定都好像很自然,也不必想太多。现在可要头痛啦!
超久没有来po 东西了。从菲律宾回来之后就忙着剪辑、上课、工作,还有忙着搬新家的事。
忽然间意识到自己要毕业了,彷徨了一阵子。见到大家是常被问道:“你毕业了要干嘛?” 虽然有点头绪,但是还是有茫然的感觉。这是个重大的决定!读书时,什么决定都好像很自然,也不必想太多。现在可要头痛啦!
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