Did you know why the ABC market in Bukit Merah is so named?
Did you know what used to be where Ikea at Alexandra is now?
Was taking the cab home from work after my night shift the other day when I got a history lesson from the cab driver instead. Was quite irritated with him cos he can't quite stop talking from the moment I got in, and then he asked if my colleague was rich cos he fetched her home before and remembered she lived in landed property and even remember exactly where. First I was disgusted and then I was horrified. Who knows what he can do with these info. Taxi uncles are scary.
As much as I found him irritating, he was quite educational as well.
Apparently, Ikea used to be the warehouse for ABC stout beer. The area was a very bustling area, and Alexandra Village Market used to be the train station. Jalan Bukit Merah was non-existent then (then is prob abt 50 yrs ago). As there is a market behind the ABC warehouse, which is somewhat of a landmark then, people decide to call the market ABC market. Subsequently, ABC moved, the warehouse gave way to other things and is now IKEA, but people still call the market ABC market. It has an official name, but most ppl can't identify with the name, so the name stayed.
Now that's something I never know tho I've known the market since I was way little cos my Grandpa's factory used to be across the street.
Well, the taxi uncle actually asked me how long I had been staying in the area, and how come I did not know this story. No one ever told me that loh.. I mean it's "nice" of him to share this story, but dun need to say in that manner k. Just as I was warming up to him, he zham break in front of the red light and I almost got strangled by the seat belt. (I was sooo glad I had the seat belt on, as I've come to conclude taxi uncles after midnight is not always sane n alert.) Anyway, he was too engrossed in talking to realised the light turned red and as there was a speed camera there so he had to stop.
And just before I alighted, he said he was hoping I would be the one taking his cab when I was walking towards the taxi stand as he remembered where I stayed and that means he can still go town area to get more customers. He said my colleague stayed at too ulu a place so he'd rather not ferry her. OMG. I wish I'd nv have to take his cab again.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Saturday, December 05, 2009
久违了。好久不见。自从我投向Twitter的怀抱后,想要在这里挥洒的欲望渐渐消失。要不是燕姿,我真的不会纵身投入Tweet tweet 世界里。当然还因为有一群“损友”也成天tweet tweet,所以以tweet沟通,多了非常多乐趣。
anyway,今天看了花木兰。在大家都唾弃它,影评也不是很好的情况下,还是决定看它。因为喜欢赵薇(看到片尾曲是燕姿唱的的时候,更让我想看它。不过觉得这首歌不够那种在战场打斗的气势)。所以,在买票一波三折的情况下,最终在Bugis Shaw cinema看啦。我的第一次尝试。(记得上次尝试在那里看是非常不愉快的经验,tat's another story altogether.)
整体故事其实有相当多诙谐部分,而且我觉得它把爱情的部分拿捏的蛮好的。I guess i'm still a romantic, 打斗的场景,点到为止就好。美中不足的,是前半部剪辑跳的太多,it's a little choppy, 而觉得花木兰身为将军,面对兄弟们发言时,架势和气魄还逊色了一些。
只能庆幸自己是个女生。anyway 没有结论,只是多了很多东西可以思索。
久违了。好久不见。自从我投向Twitter的怀抱后,想要在这里挥洒的欲望渐渐消失。要不是燕姿,我真的不会纵身投入Tweet tweet 世界里。当然还因为有一群“损友”也成天tweet tweet,所以以tweet沟通,多了非常多乐趣。
anyway,今天看了花木兰。在大家都唾弃它,影评也不是很好的情况下,还是决定看它。因为喜欢赵薇(看到片尾曲是燕姿唱的的时候,更让我想看它。不过觉得这首歌不够那种在战场打斗的气势)。所以,在买票一波三折的情况下,最终在Bugis Shaw cinema看啦。我的第一次尝试。(记得上次尝试在那里看是非常不愉快的经验,tat's another story altogether.)
整体故事其实有相当多诙谐部分,而且我觉得它把爱情的部分拿捏的蛮好的。I guess i'm still a romantic, 打斗的场景,点到为止就好。美中不足的,是前半部剪辑跳的太多,it's a little choppy, 而觉得花木兰身为将军,面对兄弟们发言时,架势和气魄还逊色了一些。
只能庆幸自己是个女生。anyway 没有结论,只是多了很多东西可以思索。
Friday, October 09, 2009
在我的记忆当中,只有亲身到大使馆办过3次签证,结果两次是空手而归,就包括今天。要不是需要以记者身份到中国采访,我也不需要一大早在烈日地下排队,然后遇到一个态度极差的柜台人员(重点她还让我在错的柜台排队),结果我的申请不被受理,还叫我打一个一直被对方切掉的号码。到底是怎样。大使馆的宗旨就是要 make your life difficult?
排队的时候,就遇见一位auntie带她的女佣去办签证。看不懂所需填的表格,所以我拔刀相助。这位auntie 是幸运的,有能力带女佣一起去旅行,去帮她在中国的住所打扫、在她到处购物时也可以帮她提购物袋。
在我的记忆当中,只有亲身到大使馆办过3次签证,结果两次是空手而归,就包括今天。要不是需要以记者身份到中国采访,我也不需要一大早在烈日地下排队,然后遇到一个态度极差的柜台人员(重点她还让我在错的柜台排队),结果我的申请不被受理,还叫我打一个一直被对方切掉的号码。到底是怎样。大使馆的宗旨就是要 make your life difficult?
排队的时候,就遇见一位auntie带她的女佣去办签证。看不懂所需填的表格,所以我拔刀相助。这位auntie 是幸运的,有能力带女佣一起去旅行,去帮她在中国的住所打扫、在她到处购物时也可以帮她提购物袋。
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
当然,我还是会有任性的一面,对某些事情比较执着, 尤其对家人。请容许我的任性。
当然,我还是会有任性的一面,对某些事情比较执着, 尤其对家人。请容许我的任性。
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Would you say you love Singapore?
Somehow it seems like the uncool thing to do to say that you love your country in this country. What's wrong with being patriotic? It's not being PC or brainwashed by the country. Say it if you mean it.
Was having a conversation with a grp of frens and a fren said sth abt ppl in other countries seemed to feel so much more nationalistic than Singapore, wearing their flag wherever they go, proclaiming they are citizens of so-and-so country. We don't even bother flying it on National Day. Another fren drew conclusion that cos we are not as homogenous as some societies, it's harder to feel nationalistic. Is that so? What about America?
I must say I don't always feel this way, and my numerous trips overseas and spending time out of Singapore and interacting with ppl from various nationalities actually gives fresh perspective as to what it means to have Singapore as my home, and gives me new found respect for my country and be thankful that I am a Singaporean. Things we so take for granted like a roof over our heads, clean water and not having to apply for visas when we travel are things that ppl do not have access to.
Another fren working at an MNC says that when typhoon hits Taiwan or Hong Kong, when there's snowstorm in London, basically when something happens in some part of the world, the Singapore branch has to take over the operations and the staff have to work harder and she has to take weird shifts to cover the duties. It's undesirable to her, but it also means that Singapore is relatively safe from disaster right?
This is not a perfect place, I'd very much like to see many areas being improved, being changed, but everything is a work in progress right? It's so easy to just leave when you are not happy with a place in this day and age, but would you ever find the perfect place? I think there's no such thing as a perfect place anyway. Do let me know if you find it.
I'd still like to leave the country, to travel, to see the world, but it would be to remind myself of how fortunate and blessed I have been.
It's National Day and I'd be working to cover the National Day Parade. Yes we have it every year, and it is kinda propagandistic. But it's still a day worth celebrating. Many of my overseas friends wow at the kind of celebration we have (tho sometimes I do wonder if iwe're spending too much money on this). Their national days usually pass without fuss, with parades that nobody watches cos it's early in the day. I would say our NDP is quite one of a kind, and there is a reason why ppl yearn to get tickets to the parade every year. It really feels very different when you are with the crowd. It's addictive, you'd wanna be back. And you feel proud to be a Singaporean.
It's National Day and what better time to declare your love for your country.
PS I've had a sneak peak to this year's parade and I think it's actually quite good. The art direction is by Ivan Heng, someone with lots of theatre background so yeah, it's really of some standard.
Somehow it seems like the uncool thing to do to say that you love your country in this country. What's wrong with being patriotic? It's not being PC or brainwashed by the country. Say it if you mean it.
Was having a conversation with a grp of frens and a fren said sth abt ppl in other countries seemed to feel so much more nationalistic than Singapore, wearing their flag wherever they go, proclaiming they are citizens of so-and-so country. We don't even bother flying it on National Day. Another fren drew conclusion that cos we are not as homogenous as some societies, it's harder to feel nationalistic. Is that so? What about America?
I must say I don't always feel this way, and my numerous trips overseas and spending time out of Singapore and interacting with ppl from various nationalities actually gives fresh perspective as to what it means to have Singapore as my home, and gives me new found respect for my country and be thankful that I am a Singaporean. Things we so take for granted like a roof over our heads, clean water and not having to apply for visas when we travel are things that ppl do not have access to.
Another fren working at an MNC says that when typhoon hits Taiwan or Hong Kong, when there's snowstorm in London, basically when something happens in some part of the world, the Singapore branch has to take over the operations and the staff have to work harder and she has to take weird shifts to cover the duties. It's undesirable to her, but it also means that Singapore is relatively safe from disaster right?
This is not a perfect place, I'd very much like to see many areas being improved, being changed, but everything is a work in progress right? It's so easy to just leave when you are not happy with a place in this day and age, but would you ever find the perfect place? I think there's no such thing as a perfect place anyway. Do let me know if you find it.
I'd still like to leave the country, to travel, to see the world, but it would be to remind myself of how fortunate and blessed I have been.
It's National Day and I'd be working to cover the National Day Parade. Yes we have it every year, and it is kinda propagandistic. But it's still a day worth celebrating. Many of my overseas friends wow at the kind of celebration we have (tho sometimes I do wonder if iwe're spending too much money on this). Their national days usually pass without fuss, with parades that nobody watches cos it's early in the day. I would say our NDP is quite one of a kind, and there is a reason why ppl yearn to get tickets to the parade every year. It really feels very different when you are with the crowd. It's addictive, you'd wanna be back. And you feel proud to be a Singaporean.
It's National Day and what better time to declare your love for your country.
PS I've had a sneak peak to this year's parade and I think it's actually quite good. The art direction is by Ivan Heng, someone with lots of theatre background so yeah, it's really of some standard.
Friday, July 17, 2009
the Indonesian Presidential Elections is over. SBY won with landslide victory. yeah you know already from various news sources. a fren said my blog is too newsy, and i only blog when there's news. but i can't help that i work in news and that's what i'm in contact with day in day out. so yeah more news to come.
i must say it's been a most rewarding trip, a trip that provided me with new found confidence and zest in my job, a trip that came at the most opportune time i must say.
marking my first anniversary on my job in indonesia, covering the presidential elections and getting mostly positive feedback so far is indication for me that i've made the right choice despite the emo-ness i went thru. i can't think of a better way to mark my 1st anni.
it's also been an eye-opener, much in line with my resolution to explore and understand southeast asia more ever since my philippines trips. there is indeed so much to know and learn about SEA, and now i have better inkling of the political system in Indon as well as the problems they face. at least now i know SBY from Mega-pro and JK-Win and I can say that I've been to Yudhoyono's residence! (tho i've nv even been to Istana in Singapore ha!)
所谓初生之犊不怕虎,and i think this best described me when i was there, assuming that it's quite safe and unafraid of what was to come. luckily i only heard the horror stories of indon only AFTER i came back. haha. and lucky that nothing has happened to me there. ppl there seemed friendly and willing to talk to me while doing my voxpop. tho there are those weird and uneasy stares that i get from the people sometimes, i think my phil training did me some good. in many many ways actually, indon reminds me of phil: a language i do not understand, bad traffic, slums, shopping = malls, country with colonial history, vibrant political scene, generally friendly people.
it only been a week since i'm back, and somehow sharing my indon experience on air today seemed really surreal already. reflecting on the trip, i don't know how i did what i did, but i did it! i surprise myself all the time.
when will Singapore's political scene be half as exciting? when will Singaporeans be willing to talk openly about politics? i look forward to that day.
enough of words, now for some pictures (that are all up on FB already actually).
At SBY's residence. Media galore. All ready to get a shot of the President as he conducts a press conference (yes, in Bahasa Indonesian). I'm contented standing by the speaker.
i must say it's been a most rewarding trip, a trip that provided me with new found confidence and zest in my job, a trip that came at the most opportune time i must say.
marking my first anniversary on my job in indonesia, covering the presidential elections and getting mostly positive feedback so far is indication for me that i've made the right choice despite the emo-ness i went thru. i can't think of a better way to mark my 1st anni.
it's also been an eye-opener, much in line with my resolution to explore and understand southeast asia more ever since my philippines trips. there is indeed so much to know and learn about SEA, and now i have better inkling of the political system in Indon as well as the problems they face. at least now i know SBY from Mega-pro and JK-Win and I can say that I've been to Yudhoyono's residence! (tho i've nv even been to Istana in Singapore ha!)
所谓初生之犊不怕虎,and i think this best described me when i was there, assuming that it's quite safe and unafraid of what was to come. luckily i only heard the horror stories of indon only AFTER i came back. haha. and lucky that nothing has happened to me there. ppl there seemed friendly and willing to talk to me while doing my voxpop. tho there are those weird and uneasy stares that i get from the people sometimes, i think my phil training did me some good. in many many ways actually, indon reminds me of phil: a language i do not understand, bad traffic, slums, shopping = malls, country with colonial history, vibrant political scene, generally friendly people.
it only been a week since i'm back, and somehow sharing my indon experience on air today seemed really surreal already. reflecting on the trip, i don't know how i did what i did, but i did it! i surprise myself all the time.
when will Singapore's political scene be half as exciting? when will Singaporeans be willing to talk openly about politics? i look forward to that day.
enough of words, now for some pictures (that are all up on FB already actually).
Monday, July 06, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
I've CONQUERED the bicycle!!! I'm so proud of myself. haha. despite me having said that I wanna learn how to bike since 2006, I did not put it into action until about a month ago.
And in 4 sessions, I learnt to bike!!! Ok lah not very impressive results, cos my bro keep saying he learnt it in 1hr. But who cares, what matters is I can bike now! Wahahaha!
Tho I still can't turn corners.
Tho I will swerve from left to right uncontrollably sometimes.
Tho I rammed into a roller blader and almost made her fall.
Tho I still can't brake properly.
Tho I'll get stressed out when I see approaching bikers and people who are too close to me on the road.
At least I can bike now! And I'm confident I can overcome ALL that soon. Anyone who wants to bike pls jio me out. haha! soon I'll be able to do nite cycling and road trips on bikes. that sounds exciting! it's no longer a handicap. yeah!
anyway I've lapsed out of my emo-ness, and made my decision. I'll give it another year, I tell myself as I feel there's still so much to learn and it had been a really great experience so far. Maybe I tend to forget the unpleasant stuff, but I find this a positive trait of myself. Live and be happy right?
and on yet another note, congrats Diya for proving ur worth and getting the chance to go to Taiwan (yet again) to show the talents Singapore has! It was such a 百感交集 day, cos we were REALLY happy for Diya, but REALLY sad for Carrie at the same time. I nv tot I could have such a mix of emotions in myself.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
it's such an irony that i just did this news feature on the job market for graduates, and now i'm facing more or less the same situation as them. (listen to feature here.)
somehow i feel i've never been so vexed before. 困っている、悩んでいる。maybe i've been too blessed my whole life.
on a lighter note, pictures from East Coast Park outing yesterday.
bicycle learning and kite flying. one tiny step closer to learning to bike. maybe with a little bit more practice, i would be able to bike liao.. yeah!

my tiny kite which had been complained to be hard to fly, made it into the sky without much effort at all. what an easy kite flying experience. but while keeping the kite, it actually fell into the sea. oops! picture: my kite flying companion and bike instructor, Xin Pei.
the double bike that brought us to Bedok Jetty. Can't ride in my own yet LAH.

This weird old man paddling his way around the jetty on a makeshift raft. And i heard someone saying "Eh see Mas Selamat". Actually that was my first tot too. Haha!
One of the numerous ppl netting fishes out of the sea there. Wonder what they can catch?

Some white tiny fish called Gekgek. Dunno how to spell but it sounds like 假假 in Hokkien. Ha if you know what i mean. The tiny ones will be thrown back into the sea. They will only keep and eat the larger ones. Hmmm...
somehow i feel i've never been so vexed before. 困っている、悩んでいる。maybe i've been too blessed my whole life.
on a lighter note, pictures from East Coast Park outing yesterday.
bicycle learning and kite flying. one tiny step closer to learning to bike. maybe with a little bit more practice, i would be able to bike liao.. yeah!
my tiny kite which had been complained to be hard to fly, made it into the sky without much effort at all. what an easy kite flying experience. but while keeping the kite, it actually fell into the sea. oops! picture: my kite flying companion and bike instructor, Xin Pei.
This weird old man paddling his way around the jetty on a makeshift raft. And i heard someone saying "Eh see Mas Selamat". Actually that was my first tot too. Haha!
Some white tiny fish called Gekgek. Dunno how to spell but it sounds like 假假 in Hokkien. Ha if you know what i mean. The tiny ones will be thrown back into the sea. They will only keep and eat the larger ones. Hmmm...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
the many updates to be made...
my last post was about going overseas.. and I've been back for almost a month from the trip! OMG time seriously flies. That means that life have been busy and occupied for me. that's good.
Taiwan trip was great! So nice to be back in Taiwan again after my exchange stint 3 years ago. Things did not seem to have changed much. Meeting my Taiwanese frens was the best part of the trip.
Before heading to Kaohsiung, a stopover at Taichung 逢甲夜市 to try their famous 大肠包小肠。in picture, the delicacy from 2 rival stalls located right opposite each other but each still had long queues and their own set of supporters.

And since we were back in 政大,a little tour of the place for Shunyi and a little walk down memory lane for myself.
And what else did we do in Taipei? Shop and go 夜市 of course! Above is 公馆夜市。We also were at 师大夜市、饶河夜市 and 士林夜市。4 夜市 in 3 nights. haha!
Little thing to share. After being shown at IDFA, New Zealand Human Rights Film Fest and the Youth Film Festival in Kaohsiung, H.O.P.E. will be shown in Mexico at the Monterrey Film Fest in August and also in Greece at the Kos Health Film Festival in September! Yeah! Tho I won't be able to make it to either fest, but it's still a happy occasion.
Taiwan trip was great! So nice to be back in Taiwan again after my exchange stint 3 years ago. Things did not seem to have changed much. Meeting my Taiwanese frens was the best part of the trip.

Back in Kaohsiung, we decided to find out what 槟榔 taste like. Verdict: Taste raw and makes my mouth numb and red. Not very nice but it's acceptable taste.

Little thing to share. After being shown at IDFA, New Zealand Human Rights Film Fest and the Youth Film Festival in Kaohsiung, H.O.P.E. will be shown in Mexico at the Monterrey Film Fest in August and also in Greece at the Kos Health Film Festival in September! Yeah! Tho I won't be able to make it to either fest, but it's still a happy occasion.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
这次回去的心情应该会很不一样,跨别了3年时间再回到台湾,尤其台北,会是怎样的感觉? 好像有好多地方想重游,很多朋友想见,但是时间却是那么的短。
这次回去的心情应该会很不一样,跨别了3年时间再回到台湾,尤其台北,会是怎样的感觉? 好像有好多地方想重游,很多朋友想见,但是时间却是那么的短。
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
It's been a very arty-farty 2 weeks. Caught some films at SIFF, went to WKWSCI's FYP screening (albeit only for 1 day) and just gone to CATS.
I've been looking forward to catching CATS, and to think that I actually decided to spend over $100 to catch it (cos usu I go for restricted view seats which cost abt half that price), and I was actually quite disappointed by it.
When I watch a musical, I usually expect a good plot, good sets and of course good songs and music plus good singing. And in CATS, I find that there was the lack of a strong plot (ok despite it been running for like eons, I've nv known what's the plot so I went in to watch with a fresh mind), no change of sets whatsoever and the thing that irks me most, there was NO LIVE ORCHESTRA!
I guess I've come to expect a good live orchestra after watching Phantom and Forbidden City of which I enjoyed both really much.
So really, I don't know what makes CATS like so popular. Maybe the plot got lost in me cos I can't quite catch what most of the lyrics were. The dance were supposed to be good. They were pretty good, but then I find it repetitive after a while. Getting up close to 1 of the cat was pretty exciting. At least I found a redeeming factor - the detailed makeup and exquisite costume. There were those that could sing well, but sadly I can't say that ALL of them could. And I almost fell asleep in the first Act.
The funny thing was, while queuing for the toilet during interval, the lady in front of me was busy going onto Wiki using her iphone to find out what CATS was all about. Kinda my sentiments at that point. Then the lady in front of her asked the lady on iphone if it was her first time catching the show and commented that the previous time she caught the show, it was much better and it had a live orchestra and that she was pretty disappointed with this show. Hmm... initially I tot I was just too critical. But turns out I wasn't.
Then second Act was definitely more engaging than the first, but I still was disppointed as a whole. I think I put my expectations too high, thinking that a long running Broadway and Westend Musical MUST be something good.
I like to watch shows that evoke a certain feeling in me, I like to laugh and cry along with the characters and feel what they feel. But I felt nothing. Because there was no clear plot, no clear theme, except that it was about cats - different kinds of cats. My brother whom I watched the show with gave the explanation that maybe it's meant to be a lighter kind of musical, something purely entertaining.
Will be catching 天冷就回来 next week. This I already know the plot cos I caught it on its previous run 2 years ago. I'm looking forward to be touched by the songs. Hope it does not disappoint.
I've been looking forward to catching CATS, and to think that I actually decided to spend over $100 to catch it (cos usu I go for restricted view seats which cost abt half that price), and I was actually quite disappointed by it.
When I watch a musical, I usually expect a good plot, good sets and of course good songs and music plus good singing. And in CATS, I find that there was the lack of a strong plot (ok despite it been running for like eons, I've nv known what's the plot so I went in to watch with a fresh mind), no change of sets whatsoever and the thing that irks me most, there was NO LIVE ORCHESTRA!
I guess I've come to expect a good live orchestra after watching Phantom and Forbidden City of which I enjoyed both really much.
So really, I don't know what makes CATS like so popular. Maybe the plot got lost in me cos I can't quite catch what most of the lyrics were. The dance were supposed to be good. They were pretty good, but then I find it repetitive after a while. Getting up close to 1 of the cat was pretty exciting. At least I found a redeeming factor - the detailed makeup and exquisite costume. There were those that could sing well, but sadly I can't say that ALL of them could. And I almost fell asleep in the first Act.
The funny thing was, while queuing for the toilet during interval, the lady in front of me was busy going onto Wiki using her iphone to find out what CATS was all about. Kinda my sentiments at that point. Then the lady in front of her asked the lady on iphone if it was her first time catching the show and commented that the previous time she caught the show, it was much better and it had a live orchestra and that she was pretty disappointed with this show. Hmm... initially I tot I was just too critical. But turns out I wasn't.
Then second Act was definitely more engaging than the first, but I still was disppointed as a whole. I think I put my expectations too high, thinking that a long running Broadway and Westend Musical MUST be something good.
I like to watch shows that evoke a certain feeling in me, I like to laugh and cry along with the characters and feel what they feel. But I felt nothing. Because there was no clear plot, no clear theme, except that it was about cats - different kinds of cats. My brother whom I watched the show with gave the explanation that maybe it's meant to be a lighter kind of musical, something purely entertaining.
Will be catching 天冷就回来 next week. This I already know the plot cos I caught it on its previous run 2 years ago. I'm looking forward to be touched by the songs. Hope it does not disappoint.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Life can't get better than this!
Life can't get better than this. Shopping for free, and ahead of others... at Uniqlo Singapore!
Ha. This must have been the best perk of being a reporter so far. Voucher to spend at media preview of the Uniqlo store at the new Tampines 1 Mall. The even better part? I don't need to file report. Wahaha!
Cheers to Uniqlo!
So here's a little peek to the store. (Shall do my little part in publicizing it since I've spent their voucher :P)

Actually I've only been to a Uniqlo store once in Japan. Several diff stores at different locations in Tokyo la but still that was my first encounter. Still I'm pretty excited that they are bringing in the label. Like their basics and they are at pretty affordable prices here. Think Giordano, Baleno but with more funky designs and new designs once each one runs out. Store in Tampines 1 is pretty spacious. Not too bad a variety but no denim skirts yet.
And they do bring in the Japanese style of service, especially evident at the Fitting Rooms. They will unbuckle and unbuttons ur garments for you before you try them on. And u have to take off your shoes in the fitting rooms and no matter how to take them off, they will be placed neatly, in the right direction for you to slip your feet right in when you come out of the fitting room.
If Tampines 1 is too far for you, they'll be having another one at Orchard Ion by the second half of the year and another 6 outlets by 2012.
Yeah Uniqlo!
Ha. This must have been the best perk of being a reporter so far. Voucher to spend at media preview of the Uniqlo store at the new Tampines 1 Mall. The even better part? I don't need to file report. Wahaha!
Cheers to Uniqlo!
So here's a little peek to the store. (Shall do my little part in publicizing it since I've spent their voucher :P)

Actually I've only been to a Uniqlo store once in Japan. Several diff stores at different locations in Tokyo la but still that was my first encounter. Still I'm pretty excited that they are bringing in the label. Like their basics and they are at pretty affordable prices here. Think Giordano, Baleno but with more funky designs and new designs once each one runs out. Store in Tampines 1 is pretty spacious. Not too bad a variety but no denim skirts yet.
And they do bring in the Japanese style of service, especially evident at the Fitting Rooms. They will unbuckle and unbuttons ur garments for you before you try them on. And u have to take off your shoes in the fitting rooms and no matter how to take them off, they will be placed neatly, in the right direction for you to slip your feet right in when you come out of the fitting room.
If Tampines 1 is too far for you, they'll be having another one at Orchard Ion by the second half of the year and another 6 outlets by 2012.
Yeah Uniqlo!
Friday, April 03, 2009
once a month
I think posting an entry a month has become a habit.
Cos I'm just plain LAZY. In the mood today, so shall share some stuff.
First up, my short getaway to Penang. It's my little resolution to explore more of Malaysia from now on. When we think of holidays, it used to always be somewhere far like Japan, HK, Taiwan, US, Australia. Why not Malaysia. It's near, it's relatively cheap and there's really lots to explore as I've realised after some simple research. So Malaysia here I come!
Ever wanted to try Fish Spa in Singapore but think it's expensive? Ha just as we were thinking about it on our first day in Penang, we chanced upon a place called "Happy Feet". There, it costs just RM 25 for 30 mins of Fish Therapy. (We got it for RM 15 cos we posed as students, ha!) How does it feel like? I-T-C-H-Y! As you can see, I can even hold still to get a clear shot. But u do get used to it after a while. And the fish are huge with big teeth. There's another pond with smaller fish but they are lazier so to get our money worth, we decided to let the big teeth do more work.
The famous Kek Lok Si in Penang. Somehow it does feel very zen there. At least I felt quite zen. But only after u get pass the rows of shops trying to sell u souvenirs and what nots on the way up.
1,2,3,4... cows. Haha. The travel companions. (of cos excluding the stone cow)
When it comes to Penang, food is definitely No1 on our itnerary. But we were most excited to see A&W! All the childhood memories coming back... And how could u resist not having a rootbeer float when u see A&W?
Next up, I actually hope to raft in Malaysia or maybe go learn diving. So exciting.
That's the fun stuff.
On a more serious note, can't help but marvel at how my FYP topic can pop up again and again.
MOH has passed the Amendment Bill on HOTA, to allow compensated organ donation in Singapore.
Here's my take to the issue, reposted from Capital 958 website. (Caution: It's in Chinese.) Maybe u can tell me what's ur take too.
Cos I'm just plain LAZY. In the mood today, so shall share some stuff.
First up, my short getaway to Penang. It's my little resolution to explore more of Malaysia from now on. When we think of holidays, it used to always be somewhere far like Japan, HK, Taiwan, US, Australia. Why not Malaysia. It's near, it's relatively cheap and there's really lots to explore as I've realised after some simple research. So Malaysia here I come!

Next up, I actually hope to raft in Malaysia or maybe go learn diving. So exciting.
That's the fun stuff.
On a more serious note, can't help but marvel at how my FYP topic can pop up again and again.
MOH has passed the Amendment Bill on HOTA, to allow compensated organ donation in Singapore.
Here's my take to the issue, reposted from Capital 958 website. (Caution: It's in Chinese.) Maybe u can tell me what's ur take too.
Monday, March 02, 2009
据闻他可能是因为教授督导他的FYP方面起冲突导致命案。虽然我们大致上都很在意FYP, 但是也不至于会到为它去杀人或自杀的地步吧。为情所困、为爱杀人倒是曾经请闻,但是为了功课作出这些事业太不值得。一直以来成绩优越,在面对挫折时就崩溃了吗?懂得面对失败也是一种学问。
据闻他可能是因为教授督导他的FYP方面起冲突导致命案。虽然我们大致上都很在意FYP, 但是也不至于会到为它去杀人或自杀的地步吧。为情所困、为爱杀人倒是曾经请闻,但是为了功课作出这些事业太不值得。一直以来成绩优越,在面对挫折时就崩溃了吗?懂得面对失败也是一种学问。
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
post CNY
CNY seemed to have passed so quickly this year. before I realised it and am done with my new year visiting, it's already over. maybe cos I started working from 1st day of CNY, so it passed extremely fast and without fuss.
Just finished re-exploring Singapore the past weekend. It's TIRING as usual, bringing people around and having to plan everything nicely. Physically and mentally tiring. But I still truly enjoy the Singapore River Cruise. Altho it's prob the 3rd time I'm taking it in tha past 5 years. Whoever had not taken it before should go ride it!
I strongly feel that STB should give concessions to Singaporeans who are bringing their foreign frens on those over priced attraction entrance fees man. After all we are doing our bit to promote tourism in Singapore. But it's going to blow a hole in my pocket soon.
And everytime I play host to foreign frens, I marvel at how STB managed to do such a good job in creating all the icons that is a must-see and must do for tourists, keeping them happy and coming back. Merlion, Night Safari, Sentosa, Flyer. All man-made, yet uniquely Singapore.
the beautiful Singapore night view. my fren says the lights on the flyer reminds her of octopus tentacles.
View from the River Cruise. I think the just added the lights on the Cavenagh Bridge. And it changes colour. I'd rather they din.
Just finished re-exploring Singapore the past weekend. It's TIRING as usual, bringing people around and having to plan everything nicely. Physically and mentally tiring. But I still truly enjoy the Singapore River Cruise. Altho it's prob the 3rd time I'm taking it in tha past 5 years. Whoever had not taken it before should go ride it!
I strongly feel that STB should give concessions to Singaporeans who are bringing their foreign frens on those over priced attraction entrance fees man. After all we are doing our bit to promote tourism in Singapore. But it's going to blow a hole in my pocket soon.
And everytime I play host to foreign frens, I marvel at how STB managed to do such a good job in creating all the icons that is a must-see and must do for tourists, keeping them happy and coming back. Merlion, Night Safari, Sentosa, Flyer. All man-made, yet uniquely Singapore.

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