i must say it's been a most rewarding trip, a trip that provided me with new found confidence and zest in my job, a trip that came at the most opportune time i must say.
marking my first anniversary on my job in indonesia, covering the presidential elections and getting mostly positive feedback so far is indication for me that i've made the right choice despite the emo-ness i went thru. i can't think of a better way to mark my 1st anni.
it's also been an eye-opener, much in line with my resolution to explore and understand southeast asia more ever since my philippines trips. there is indeed so much to know and learn about SEA, and now i have better inkling of the political system in Indon as well as the problems they face. at least now i know SBY from Mega-pro and JK-Win and I can say that I've been to Yudhoyono's residence! (tho i've nv even been to Istana in Singapore ha!)
所谓初生之犊不怕虎,and i think this best described me when i was there, assuming that it's quite safe and unafraid of what was to come. luckily i only heard the horror stories of indon only AFTER i came back. haha. and lucky that nothing has happened to me there. ppl there seemed friendly and willing to talk to me while doing my voxpop. tho there are those weird and uneasy stares that i get from the people sometimes, i think my phil training did me some good. in many many ways actually, indon reminds me of phil: a language i do not understand, bad traffic, slums, shopping = malls, country with colonial history, vibrant political scene, generally friendly people.
it only been a week since i'm back, and somehow sharing my indon experience on air today seemed really surreal already. reflecting on the trip, i don't know how i did what i did, but i did it! i surprise myself all the time.
when will Singapore's political scene be half as exciting? when will Singaporeans be willing to talk openly about politics? i look forward to that day.
enough of words, now for some pictures (that are all up on FB already actually).
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