Sunday, August 09, 2009


Would you say you love Singapore?

Somehow it seems like the uncool thing to do to say that you love your country in this country. What's wrong with being patriotic? It's not being PC or brainwashed by the country. Say it if you mean it.

Was having a conversation with a grp of frens and a fren said sth abt ppl in other countries seemed to feel so much more nationalistic than Singapore, wearing their flag wherever they go, proclaiming they are citizens of so-and-so country. We don't even bother flying it on National Day. Another fren drew conclusion that cos we are not as homogenous as some societies, it's harder to feel nationalistic. Is that so? What about America?

I must say I don't always feel this way, and my numerous trips overseas and spending time out of Singapore and interacting with ppl from various nationalities actually gives fresh perspective as to what it means to have Singapore as my home, and gives me new found respect for my country and be thankful that I am a Singaporean. Things we so take for granted like a roof over our heads, clean water and not having to apply for visas when we travel are things that ppl do not have access to.

Another fren working at an MNC says that when typhoon hits Taiwan or Hong Kong, when there's snowstorm in London, basically when something happens in some part of the world, the Singapore branch has to take over the operations and the staff have to work harder and she has to take weird shifts to cover the duties. It's undesirable to her, but it also means that Singapore is relatively safe from disaster right?

This is not a perfect place, I'd very much like to see many areas being improved, being changed, but everything is a work in progress right? It's so easy to just leave when you are not happy with a place in this day and age, but would you ever find the perfect place? I think there's no such thing as a perfect place anyway. Do let me know if you find it.

I'd still like to leave the country, to travel, to see the world, but it would be to remind myself of how fortunate and blessed I have been.

It's National Day and I'd be working to cover the National Day Parade. Yes we have it every year, and it is kinda propagandistic. But it's still a day worth celebrating. Many of my overseas friends wow at the kind of celebration we have (tho sometimes I do wonder if iwe're spending too much money on this). Their national days usually pass without fuss, with parades that nobody watches cos it's early in the day. I would say our NDP is quite one of a kind, and there is a reason why ppl yearn to get tickets to the parade every year. It really feels very different when you are with the crowd. It's addictive, you'd wanna be back. And you feel proud to be a Singaporean.

It's National Day and what better time to declare your love for your country.

PS I've had a sneak peak to this year's parade and I think it's actually quite good. The art direction is by Ivan Heng, someone with lots of theatre background so yeah, it's really of some standard.

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