I think posting an entry a month has become a habit.
Cos I'm just plain LAZY. In the mood today, so shall share some stuff.
First up, my short getaway to Penang. It's my little resolution to explore more of Malaysia from now on. When we think of holidays, it used to always be somewhere far like Japan, HK, Taiwan, US, Australia. Why not Malaysia. It's near, it's relatively cheap and there's really lots to explore as I've realised after some simple research. So Malaysia here I come!

Ever wanted to try Fish Spa in Singapore but think it's expensive? Ha just as we were thinking about it on our first day in Penang, we chanced upon a place called "Happy Feet". There, it costs just RM 25 for 30 mins of Fish Therapy. (We got it for RM 15 cos we posed as students, ha!) How does it feel like? I-T-C-H-Y! As you can see, I can even hold still to get a clear shot. But u do get used to it after a while. And the fish are huge with big teeth. There's another pond with smaller fish but they are lazier so to get our money worth, we decided to let the big teeth do more work.

The famous Kek Lok Si in Penang. Somehow it does feel very zen there. At least I felt quite zen. But only after u get pass the rows of shops trying to sell u souvenirs and what nots on the way up.

1,2,3,4... cows. Haha. The travel companions. (of cos excluding the stone cow)

When it comes to Penang, food is definitely No1 on our itnerary. But we were most excited to see A&W! All the childhood memories coming back... And how could u resist not having a rootbeer float when u see A&W?
Next up, I actually hope to raft in Malaysia or maybe go learn diving. So exciting.
That's the fun stuff.
On a more serious note, can't help but marvel at how my FYP topic can pop up again and again.
MOH has passed the Amendment Bill on HOTA, to allow compensated organ donation in Singapore.
Here's my take to the issue, reposted from Capital 958 website. (Caution: It's in Chinese.) Maybe u can tell me what's ur take too.
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