my last post was about going overseas.. and I've been back for almost a month from the trip! OMG time seriously flies. That means that life have been busy and occupied for me. that's good.
Taiwan trip was great! So nice to be back in Taiwan again after my exchange stint 3 years ago. Things did not seem to have changed much. Meeting my Taiwanese frens was the best part of the trip.
The reason why we were in Taiwan in the first place. Youth Film Festival of Taiwan.

Before heading to Kaohsiung, a stopover at Taichung 逢甲夜市 to try their famous 大肠包小肠。in picture, the delicacy from 2 rival stalls located right opposite each other but each still had long queues and their own set of supporters.

Next stop: Sunny Kenting for some water games. Not foregetting to get sunburnt in the process.

After an activity packed, adrenaline rushing afternoon, it's off to 关山 to admire the sunset.

Back in Kaohsiung, we decided to find out what 槟榔 taste like. Verdict: Taste raw and makes my mouth numb and red. Not very nice but it's acceptable taste.

Finally back in Taipei. Gathering with my Taiwanese friends!

Going back to 政大 for the breakfast I missed so much! 古早味的蛋饼、萝卜糕加蛋、饭团和红茶豆浆!Yum yum!

And since we were back in 政大,a little tour of the place for Shunyi and a little walk down memory lane for myself.

And what else did we do in Taipei? Shop and go 夜市 of course! Above is 公馆夜市。We also were at 师大夜市、饶河夜市 and 士林夜市。4 夜市 in 3 nights. haha!
Little thing to share. After being shown at IDFA, New Zealand Human Rights Film Fest and the Youth Film Festival in Kaohsiung, H.O.P.E. will be shown in Mexico at the Monterrey Film Fest in August and also in Greece at the Kos Health Film Festival in September! Yeah! Tho I won't be able to make it to either fest, but it's still a happy occasion.
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