it's been a pretty eventful weekend! great that weekends start on thursday nights.. but then by the time it's saturday we are shagged and hence will stay in to rest b4 going out to havoc again on sunday! haha.. here's the pictorial tour for the week..

since weekends start on thurdays night, we went for our first 夜唱 at Holiday KTV.. supposed to be the cheapest rate for singing ktv but we also end up paying close to NT$400.. tat's like 20 sing dollars.. think cos only 3 of us, if more ppl would be cheaper.. and the thing is we did not make reservations and almost could not get a room... well the almighty Adrian has his ways and hence we had our first k session in taipei!

after hearing so much abt 故宮博物院 in Taipei, we decided to do some cultural discovery.. all I can say is it's not as spectacular as I thought it would be.. maybe cos I went to Beijing's 故宮 before and it was a great feeling to be there.. anyway my roomie was telling me even if Taipei's 故宮 change their exhibits every year, we would still not be able to see all of them in our lifetime.. how much did they actually take from China?

saw this statue of 孔子 in 故宮... juz haf to take a photo wif Johnny.. hope his wisdom will rub off in me.. haha..

cute puppies at 士林夜市... there's apparently a doggie craze here and there's also stray dogs everwhere.. can't help but think what will happen to them when the craze is over and they get abandoned.. sigh..

棺 材板!n hanyu as my food model... yeah did not get to eat this the last time I was here, so I was determined to find it this time.. it's actually a piece of thick fried bread then they dig up the centre and put the filling inside.. the filling is some creamy campbell soup-like thing wif various ingredients like chicken or pineapple.. nice!

there's always these 簽唱會 in Taipei on Sundays.. well Hanyu loves Mayday and so off we went to 阿信's 簽書會。Man it's tiring to 追星.. but oh well I got to shake his hand... hehe..

eh.. the special guest of the 簽書會 is 曹格.. a bit off but oh well.. 師兄幫師弟吧

this is where the 簽書會is held.. it's somewhat like Funan Centre in Singapore, those tech places.. I think my brother will like it..

this pic if specially for my bro.. his gundam model in larger than life size! this whole shop is dedicated to gundam models and there's also a shop that sells all sorts of other anime models.. Bro u should come see for urself!
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