Monday, February 27, 2006
1st earthquake encounter
Anyway that was last Friday and don't worry I'm still alive and kicking in Taipei.. From what I know the culture here is that they don't really give a damn abt these little quakes cos it's really common.. Teachers will continue the lessons without even giving the quake a mention.. Hmmm.. And my fren said those that usually evacuate from the building when a quake happens are non-Taiwanese.. haha.. maybe I'll be one of those next time..
sights for the week...

Saturday, February 25, 2006
the feeling of home...
- shopping at ikea
- train stations that reminds me of s'pore's MRT stations
- finding and reading The Straits Times at the school library
- having a hot cup of milo (tho it's strangely made in vietnam)
3rd week in taipei...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
my nice roomie suggested we go up the mountain behind 政大 on her scooter and she asked her senior along so that hanyu could go too.. i think abt 80% of the uni students here own a scooter.. guys and gals alike.. and since i haven been on a scooter b4 and being on the mountain sounds cool i gamely agreed..
hence at 7 plus, after getting breakfast frm the breakfast shop juz outside the hostel (haf i mentioned they haf great breakfast here?), we 4 gals set off for the mountains on the scooters.. i'm not really sure of the place is called 貓空 but shld be somewhere near it lah..
so after a 20 mins ride, we reached where we wanted to be.. it's at a temple there and the view was great! like going to 山頂 in hong kong or mt faber in singapore and ther best thing is it's juz behind 政大... and we had breakfast with the beautiful Taipei City in front of us.. it's a pity there's heavy fog this morn.. if not would be able to see more of the city.. also heard the 夜景 is really beautiful here.. shall find a night and go up to watch the 夜景。
we stayed for abt 30mins, finished our breakfast and came down again on the scooter, and we were still early for our 930 lesson.. haha.. but then i was quite falling asleep during the lesson.. zzzz...

Monday, February 20, 2006

this is 阿邦... a busker at one of the undeground shopping malls in Taipei’s 東區。me and hanyu were happily shopping away until we heard his voice and decided to stop and listen and also rest our feet.. the area actually has lots of seats for shoppers to rest which is really cool..
anyway the pt is the moment i saw him and heard him sing, i'm reminded at our very own superstar 陳偉聯。but i must say 偉聯 sings much nicer then him.. and while 偉聯 will play his own guitar, 阿邦 sings from a synthesizer.. think the govt is promoting such activities for showcasing talents cos there seems to be a schedule as to who will be there on wat days and at wat times.. really organised..
the thing is during the period of abt 15 mins that we were there, at least 5 ppl donated money to him and also quite a couple were writing encouragement notes to him on the notebook he had on the table.. Taipei is really a more compassionate and friendly place than i tot it would be.. a more gracious society than i imagined.. there's still lots that Singapore can learn from Taipei.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
picture time!

Friday, February 17, 2006
and the above is quite the standard question a taiwanese student will ask once they knoe we are from singapore.. or 新加坡真的那麽嚴嗎?and when asked why they think that way, they'll always bring out the michael fay caning incident.. they haf the impression that all criminal offences will be dealt with by caning.. and apparently this incident is mentioned in their textbook somewhere.. see the importance of a fair and unbiased textbook.. how it can make or break a nation's impression of the other.. but then my roomie also said, 我覺得新加坡很有种。why? cos we dared to be firm on our stand and not give in to the US..
to the taiwanese students, singapore is a place with strict laws and a cannot-mess-around-with government.. our prof is actually trying to get ppl to consider coming to singapore for exchange and this gal said she's scared she'll get caught if she accidentally drops a piece of litter.. THAT is what singapore is about to them.. well my roomie also says that's cos yanzi once said sth like she feels restricted in singapore.. now talk abt star appeal..
but then, singapore is also a place of remarkable progress to them... and they do knoe who LKY is.. at least my roomie does.. and i was discussing the Lee dynasty wif her the other day.. well, i guess telling ppl abt singapore has made myself understand singapore better as well..
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
a rainy valentine's
anywayz we were at taipei 101 yesterday thinking that they would haf sth spectacular for valentine's.. but to our disappointment it was pretty boring plus it was rainy.. act it's quite romantic to be raining on valentine's.. if onli it was the right person sharing umbrella wif me.. hmm.. so we gave up on taipei 101 area and went to 公館 (夜市)for dinner but was met wif really slow service.. not the best valentine's day spent i should say..
subject choosing is as frustrating here as in NTU.. they haf so many ways to get a subj but juz too many ppl wanna take the same subj.. 加簽、遞補、加退選.. sounds foreign.. can't match my subjs and it seems hard to get modules out of the comm sch.. hope to solve these prob soon then i can finally start sch proper.. i need to find back the momentum to actually start doing work.. haf been holidaying for too looong..
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
the sun is up! it's 26 degrees..
had a seminar this morning wif masters students.. 跨文化傳播專題 in place of cs222.. and the teacher sounds a lot more fun than yesterday's.. and she allow us to write our term report in english! yeah~ happy happy.. and there's this student who used to work at some tv station (i think is tvbs-g) and he said he can arrange for us to go visit.. hehe..
going for radio production later.. by the same teacher who took us this morn.. haha so today is HER day..
Monday, February 13, 2006
finally it's the 3 of us!
anyway yesterday was 元宵節, hope everyone has a great time watching fireworks and eating 湯圓。my mum actually asked me to go eat 湯圓 but i was too busy releasing 天燈 to remember haha.. yes the 天燈 that caused CKS airport to be closed and flights delayed cos some ppl haf to brains and decided to release them near the airport and caused a forest fire.. sigh.. it's a first time i heard of such an incident.. sounds really silly.. i think it also caused some traffic accident and it's like the 1st time in dunno how long.. juz really crappy.. hmm.. literally playing with fire..
well we had more brains so my nice roomie brought us to this place in 台北縣 called 平溪 where they haf this 天燈會 and tens of thousands of ppl go there to release these lanterns together.. suppose to write ur wishes on the lantern and if u successfully release it (ie it is not burnt!) the wishes will come true.. well it's really beautiful when there are like hundreds of these lanterns in the dark sky at the same time.. like fireflies dotting the skyline.. and the 3 of us succesfully "launched" a 天燈 into the sky!
after which we were really hungry and so we went to the 1st 夜市 since i came to taipei. 臨江街夜市. quite a lot of things to shop lah i also din find anything that especially catches my one.. jus that i'm quite amazed that i can actually find charles and keith shoes in the 夜市 and hanyu act bought a pair of charles and keith heels.. haha.. dunno why i act find that amusing.. charles and keith in Taiwan..
anyway today is first day of sch.. had one lesson.. being good students we arrived really early and waited for the teacher to come.. then when students come streaming into the classroom, we heard quite horrible things abt the teacher like how his hong kong accent is very strong and him being hard to understand.. some of them took his class last sem and felt they din learn much from him.. and true enough he was really pretty hard to comprehend.. but good thing is he's quite slack and he act wans us to read reference books in english and do a book review in english too! the next classroom also having the same mod but by another teacher and it was pretty full while attendance on this end was like 10 students.. plus next door seem to be having fun while i was falling asleep in the class listening to him talk abt his daughter, his wife, his books.. blah blah.. well boasting knows no boundaries.. and best thing is we already haf an assignment coming up.. attend a speech by guest speaker Prof Eddie Kuo (who is from NTU!!) next monday and write a report..
Saturday, February 11, 2006
picture time!

my bed on the upper deck..argh always scared i'll fall when climbing down in the morning..

1st posting from Taipei!!
08 feb 2006
It was a really long day today… felt like I accomplished wat I usually do in 3 days in a day..
Anyway I was quite happy wif the inflight entertainment from
Tho first there was a little mistake at the airport.. saw this woman holding on to a sign saying Singapore Nanyang Technological Uni and went up to her but in the end she was act waiting for 4 ppl from 土木系.. I’m still wondering if that is civil engine.. was thinking I want to get to know these ppl.. haha.. it’s going to be how hard to study engine in
Anyway the moment I stepped out of CKS airport.. cold air jus blew mercilessly at me.. the temp was abt 12 degreess C lah.. luckily I brought those clothes and wore 3 layers.. Thanx mum for her constant nagging to bring those thick clothes.. heard tml will drop to 10 degrees C.. anyways it was juz a whole lot of frenzy admin work to settle.. but all these could not be done w/o a dearie junior.. 1st yr student here.. she’s so small size and cute.. think maybe can qie prodi.. haha.. so we basically skipped lunch.. did our student ident, checked into hostel etc etc..
Now for the hostel.. it’s 4 ppl share one room.. could choose from hostel 7 and 8 and since I was in hall 7 I chose 7 loh.. :P was initially locked out of the room so moved my stuff to hanyu’s room. It was quite cram for 4 ppl lah.. but wat to do.. it’s free cannot complain.. then 小只 the junior who was bringing us ard was exclaiming at how everything is better than her hostel at hostel 1 cos hers is 6 to a room.. then suddenly we feel so blessed. But ah they finally found the code to my room so I also moved my stuff in.. that’s where the shock came.. I've nv seen a ladies’ room so messy before.. messy still nvm leh.. they are damn dirty also.. clothes everywhere.. on the floor on the bed in boxes.. wherever lah.. then worse is my table is infiltrated with thing from the other room mates.. totally sian diao.. so wanna unpack also dunno how to do it.. sigh.. hanyu’s room is like such a heaven compared to mine.. I din even haf enough space on the floor to open my luggage lah.. it’s tat bad.. and the floor is horribly strewn with all sorts of rubbish.. and then funny thing is the rubbish truck comes onli once a day and u haf to run all the way down to the first floor to throw the rubbish into the rubbish truck.. anyway was juz quite depressed abt the whole thing abt my messy room.. can’t stand my things being strewn all over the place.. and the other 3 rommies are from 民族系.. haf no idea wat kinda things they study lah.. haha juz sounds weird.. the thing I dun like is also that I haf to sleep on the upper deck of the double deck.. sigh.. who ask me to be the exchange student and the latest to move in.. sianz.. then I basically also dunno where to place my things in the mess. Sigh.. for now hanyu’s place is my shelter from the chaos.. hope her roomies are better and neater people..
Ok lah to be fair they are pretty nice ppl.. juz that I can’t stand the way they are messing up the place.. I miss my room in hall and my rommie so much now.. XP I miss u!!! so nice to haf someone u knoe and understand u ard.. had same thinking and juz can click loh.. I wan my roomie back!
09 feb 06
It’s been so cold that I can’t get to sleep at night.. tho I was pretty tired at the end of the first day.. already wore 2 layers of clothes and had to wear 2 layers of pants b4 I can get to sleep.. think I should haf gotten a better comforter.. sth warmer.. really tot it won’t be that cold here but luckily mummy forced me to bring those thicker coat.. at least I dun freeze to death outside.. but still it was hard getting to sleep cos in s’pore I dun even on air con.. hope wif my new warm socks it would be better.. apparently for next few days also going to be quite cold and cloudy.. really gloomy weather.. can’t wait for the day where I can see the sun in
The weather is really cold today and the wind was really strong... went to get scarf and mask in prep of the cold weather.. the idea of wearing a mask is so weird.. juz reminds me of SARS..
act I’m fine with the cold weather in the day but I hate it if it’s too cold even for me to fall asleep.. act a really warm blanket will solve the prob lah.. but knowing that the cold spell might pass soon and I will onli be here for 5 mths I'm reluctant to spend more money on another blanket.. wat do I do with it once I get back??
I haf too many no.s to rem.. student id, hostel phone no, handphone no. and my hostel mail add is so long.. such a chore to rem.. and it's in chinese... who will send things to me? *hint*
10 feb 06
Shopping at Wu Fen Pu
1st day of shopping on our own today!! haha tho i nv buy much lah.. cos wu fen pu is a stupid place where most of the clothes cannot try n comes in free size.. crap.. my policy is i dun buy clothes that i cannot try if it fits.. then those free size jackets i wan to buy always too small at the shoulder and too short.. sianz.. so end up onli getting a belt which i bet i can also find in s'pore.. sigh... determined to get more stuff! but hanyu had a great time shopping.. haha.. bought lotsa stuff.. at least she got good shou1 huo4.. not wasted trip..
it's not that cold in the day anymore which is a good thing.. but then dunno why now it's so cold.. i think my feet are cold intolerant.. wearing socks but still feel like ice.. think i should go get thicker socks..
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
count down: 1 last day (沒時間,我沒時間)
back not long ago from farewell dinner with the 36 ppl.. those crazy bunch of ppl nv fail to amuse me.. haha.. will definitely miss the craziness, rowdiness, noise and fun in 36.. miss my roomie (XP u knoe when i miss u the most? when i'm eating meiji yogurt and realise there's no one to share wif me.. haha) there's so many things to miss.. family, frens, lifestyle, maybe even weather.. it's weird how you will only cherish things when you are going away.. i used to not like going out wif my mum esp to her reunions wif sec sch frens/high sch frens/ex-colleagues.. but recently i haf attended countless of these reunions wif her..
but then also there's so much to look forward to.. it's a complicated feeling.. it's never simple..
juz one more day.. i really need to be done packing!!! my baggage is going to be overweight!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
count down: 4 days.. and still not packed!
but i'm $560 dollars poorer now.. boo hoo.. my dad keep insisting that i should bring the canon a95 my family now uses to taipei but it's so darn bulky.. 4 AA batteries leh.. if i bring there it'll juz be looked in my drawer 80% of the time man.. and i've always wanted my own camera anyway.. so i've got a Casio Exilim Z500 now! it's like my 21st bday present for myself!

so i'll try to post more photos now then.. juz wait and see..
Thursday, February 02, 2006
a misdeed...
anyway i did a misdeed yesterday that i'm still very sorry over.. was at bugis going to the kwong im temple to pray wif my mum when i saw this caucasian looking lost and holding a map so i decided to go over and see if i can help him.. he was asking where was bras basah and for a while i also totally blanked out.. well i'm not exactly good wif directions but was trying my best to be a helpful singaporean.. but then my mum was walking so fast ahead so i wanted to catch up wif her and give him directions in a rush.. guess what? i made him go in the opposite direction.. OOPS!
i felt bad once i realised what i've done.. hope he did not walk too far in the wrong direction b4 some other helpful singaporean directed him the right way.. this proves that
1) i was not a girl guide and am bad with maps and directions
2) i should not navigate taiwan by myself
i should start making lotsa frens once i get to taiwan so that they can bring me around.. haha..
count down: 6 days
anywayz finally manged to change the dull looking top bar to this pic of clouds i took the last time i was on the plane. and that was last july on the way back from.. guess where.. TAIPEI! ok my mum said i shouldn't haf gone there since now i'm going there for a good 4 plus 5 months.. but how i knoe rite? i had a pretty good time the other time lah.. so hope this time will be better!! only managed to do it after like 5 tries cos those photo hosting websites keep resizing my pic and hence making it not fit into the space.. until i found photobucket..
but i still haven figured out how to change the font and colour of some of the words.. the script is totally making me dizzy.. but i'm determined to conquer it.. i must prove myself that i dun need to learn web design to do this.. haha..
ok back to looking that those codes...