Saturday, April 01, 2006


u hear the oh-so-familiar music ringing..
the announcement goes "同學垃圾車來了!請把握時間..."
exodus of ppl with bags of rubbish down the flights of steps

this is at scene at the hostel at 915 everyday.. ok give and take 5 mins..
interesting huh.. yeah they do not haf those public big black bins u guys get in hall to throw the rubbish in.. all they haf is recycling bins for plastics, papers, foil products.. non for general rubbish.. so we've got to wait for the rubbish trucks which comes twice a day to empty our rubbish bins..

and it's like a social activity.. ppl start to chat and interact during "rubbish time"... u say hi to ur neighbours, to ur schmates... u start bitching abt ppl abt things that happen today..
always find it pretty amusing..

i like that they are into recycling and rubbish sorting.. i believe in that.. and they charge for plastic bags here which always makes me think twice on whether i really need one b4 taking it.. i think we shld do that in sg too.. it's ridiculous to buy a bar or candy and the shopkeeper gives u a plastic bag in sg.. but i absolutely hate it when i can't find a dustbin on the streets whenever i need one.. even at places like the 夜市 where u knoe that definitely lotsa rubbish will be generated.. inevitably they'll juz end up by the roadsides..

so this is the diff btw rubbish in sg n tw..

p.s. all rubbish trucks in taiwan goes ard playing a musical tune.. and it's the same in 高雄 or 台北.. i've made a mental note to record it down sometime but haf not gotten down to doing it.. ~~~

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