Thursday, May 04, 2006

Taipei MOS is closed!!

it was quite an adventure yesterday as we were attempting to club the first time in Taiwan..

first, we made it all the way to MOS which happens to be quite an ulu place only to find out that it had closed about 2 months back.. 3 non-taiwanese girls wondering about on Taipei streets at almost midnight at a ulu place that reminded me of Punggol.. (cos there were rows of public housing with empty fields around)

we heard about it being not happening, but little did we know that it's actually closed.. the website is still up and running and no one around us knew that it was closed! as we make our way there we start to understand why.. it's simply too ulu for ppl to go.. but then the cab driver said it was due to the problem of drugs that they were forced to close down..

anyway, since we were already on our clubbing mood, we decided to make our way to another club called Room 18 near Taipei 101.. but that place is also damn hard to find.. and apparently it's owned by some Taiwanese artiste so lotsa artistes will go.. we did not see any yesterday tho.. in fact there weren;t a lot of ppl there.. all we saw were a bunch of either young boys and girls or weird looking men.. and those guys are pretty eager to get to know the girls.. us included.. asking lotsa wierd ques which we simply feigned ignorance over the loud music.. haha

and guess how they dress to go clubbing? shorts and converse shoes.. CONVERSE SHOES!! yeah.. watever..

and for those wondering if Taiwanese clubs play chinese hip hop and techno, no they still play english songs.. but i heard from Adrian that some club he went to had chinese techno remixes of Sun Yanzi songs.. hmm..

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