Saturday, May 27, 2006

6 reports pending..

with 6 reports pending, i still couldn't resist the temptation of the invitation to go to wufenpu to shop.. and so that was how i spent half my day today.. i always say i hate wufenpu because i can't try on clothes there and most of the time free size=s size=not my size so i can hardly find clothes for myself.. still i like the idea that i'm going shopping and possibly getting a bargain..

still dun understand the rationale behind not letting us try the clothes.. how would i buy if i'm not sure it's going to fit me? sigh.. and i ended up buying a t-shirt and a pair of shots that are a little too fitting for comfort.. ie too small.. sadz.. shall stick to buying things from places where there are fitting rooms!

and after a tiring shopping experience we still decided to go to a night market for dinner.. and that's when i realize that all parts of the chicken can be eaten.. and i mean ALL parts from the crown to the butt.. Iris ate a chicken from head to toe today.. first there was the chicken cutlet aka 雞排... then she had bbq chicken butt and she ended off the feast with 3 crowns.. maybe i'm ulu but i really din know that the crown could be eaten and din even recognise that it was actually the crown that she was going to eat!

decided to steal a bite from her and well can onli say it tastes a bit like chicken claw.. this i would try but i still refused to eat 鴨血糕 and 豬血糕 which are delicacies to taiwanese.. still feels disgusting to me..

now back to my reports...

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