yes their FYP screenings lasted for 3 days and today is day 3 and the last day of the screenings.. all in all they had like 20 sessions of screenings.. i did not go for all of them.. think i went for abt 8 of the screenings..
watched 2 screenings today.. a documentary and a drama.. i felt both were better than those that i saw yesterday.. i really liked the documentary cause i think it really brought out the character of the lead and i was pretty touched by it.. plus i think it's more meaningful to do a documentary to bring ppl's attention to an issue than to shoot a drama to convey the issue you haf at hand.. seems easier to resonant with ppl using documentary..
wanted to give credit to their efforts in coming up with the 畢展 cos on top of shooting and editing their FYP they had to plan the whole event incl publicity, logistics, liaison and all.. it's like another FYP altogether.. guess it's a great way to work as a batch for one final event before everyone graduates and goes on to do their own things and lead their own life.. it must haf been tough but also a great memory for them..
auld lang syne... suddenly think this song is very appropriate here..
Monday, May 29, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
It's nice that the Comm School here has lots of opportunities for the students to showcase their FYPs.. There was the exhibition for FYPs by the Advertising Faculty and now a public screening of all the FYPs by the Radio n TV Faculty (like our EBM).. it's a really big affair with lots of publicity and lots of effort into the planning of the whole thing and there was even a discussion session after each screening where an external critique wil be invited to comment on the piece of work and the students are to respond to any queries by the critique or even the members of the audience..
while the concept and execution of the whole screening is great, i felt that the quality of the works were not up to all the hype it created.. i'm pretty sure our FYPs are better than theirs even tho i did not go for this yr's screening.. i watched some of the previous video FYPs and there were really good ones.. i remember a 'GREY' which i felt was really good.. and having participated in an FYP shot myself, i believe their finished work woudl be better than what they haf to offer here..
very basic stuff like focus, exposure, white balance were not well taken care of and every piece had problems with their sound.. did not see any piece which actually put in effort for their sound design.. jump cuts and crossing the axis happens quite often and basically the editing was the main problem.. some had pretty good shots but the editing did not do justice to the shots.. i was really pretty disappointed given i was looking forward to their screenings..
but then all those that i watched were all a one-man FYP.. and they had pieces that lasted almost 60mins.. for 1 person to come up with a 5min piece is not easy already, not to say 60mins so i must credit them for that.. but then i believe that quality is better than quantity.. i'd personally rather be wowed by a 5 min master piece than having to sit thru 60mins of not-so-good stuff.. all i can say is they are really good at packaging the stuff but the contents are not that wonderful..
now that i'm critiquing others' FYP, i better give some thot to my FYP already.. given i'm in EBM (haf i mentioned that here before?).. ah seeking FYP members now!!
i think we should haf a platform to showcase all our FYPs too! i mean everyone put in so much effort to come out wif our masterpieces we should at least haf a NTU level kind of showcase where everyone in NTU and beyond can see wat CS is all about!
while the concept and execution of the whole screening is great, i felt that the quality of the works were not up to all the hype it created.. i'm pretty sure our FYPs are better than theirs even tho i did not go for this yr's screening.. i watched some of the previous video FYPs and there were really good ones.. i remember a 'GREY' which i felt was really good.. and having participated in an FYP shot myself, i believe their finished work woudl be better than what they haf to offer here..
very basic stuff like focus, exposure, white balance were not well taken care of and every piece had problems with their sound.. did not see any piece which actually put in effort for their sound design.. jump cuts and crossing the axis happens quite often and basically the editing was the main problem.. some had pretty good shots but the editing did not do justice to the shots.. i was really pretty disappointed given i was looking forward to their screenings..
but then all those that i watched were all a one-man FYP.. and they had pieces that lasted almost 60mins.. for 1 person to come up with a 5min piece is not easy already, not to say 60mins so i must credit them for that.. but then i believe that quality is better than quantity.. i'd personally rather be wowed by a 5 min master piece than having to sit thru 60mins of not-so-good stuff.. all i can say is they are really good at packaging the stuff but the contents are not that wonderful..
now that i'm critiquing others' FYP, i better give some thot to my FYP already.. given i'm in EBM (haf i mentioned that here before?).. ah seeking FYP members now!!
i think we should haf a platform to showcase all our FYPs too! i mean everyone put in so much effort to come out wif our masterpieces we should at least haf a NTU level kind of showcase where everyone in NTU and beyond can see wat CS is all about!
6 reports pending..
with 6 reports pending, i still couldn't resist the temptation of the invitation to go to wufenpu to shop.. and so that was how i spent half my day today.. i always say i hate wufenpu because i can't try on clothes there and most of the time free size=s size=not my size so i can hardly find clothes for myself.. still i like the idea that i'm going shopping and possibly getting a bargain..
still dun understand the rationale behind not letting us try the clothes.. how would i buy if i'm not sure it's going to fit me? sigh.. and i ended up buying a t-shirt and a pair of shots that are a little too fitting for comfort.. ie too small.. sadz.. shall stick to buying things from places where there are fitting rooms!
and after a tiring shopping experience we still decided to go to a night market for dinner.. and that's when i realize that all parts of the chicken can be eaten.. and i mean ALL parts from the crown to the butt.. Iris ate a chicken from head to toe today.. first there was the chicken cutlet aka 雞排... then she had bbq chicken butt and she ended off the feast with 3 crowns.. maybe i'm ulu but i really din know that the crown could be eaten and din even recognise that it was actually the crown that she was going to eat!
decided to steal a bite from her and well can onli say it tastes a bit like chicken claw.. this i would try but i still refused to eat 鴨血糕 and 豬血糕 which are delicacies to taiwanese.. still feels disgusting to me..
now back to my reports...
still dun understand the rationale behind not letting us try the clothes.. how would i buy if i'm not sure it's going to fit me? sigh.. and i ended up buying a t-shirt and a pair of shots that are a little too fitting for comfort.. ie too small.. sadz.. shall stick to buying things from places where there are fitting rooms!
and after a tiring shopping experience we still decided to go to a night market for dinner.. and that's when i realize that all parts of the chicken can be eaten.. and i mean ALL parts from the crown to the butt.. Iris ate a chicken from head to toe today.. first there was the chicken cutlet aka 雞排... then she had bbq chicken butt and she ended off the feast with 3 crowns.. maybe i'm ulu but i really din know that the crown could be eaten and din even recognise that it was actually the crown that she was going to eat!
decided to steal a bite from her and well can onli say it tastes a bit like chicken claw.. this i would try but i still refused to eat 鴨血糕 and 豬血糕 which are delicacies to taiwanese.. still feels disgusting to me..
now back to my reports...
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
i'm not a person to remember my dreams.. tho i do dream quite a bit but more often than not i forget what i was dreaming about moments after i wake up.. such that i know that i was having a dream but do not know what it was exactly about...
but i clearly remembered my dream yesterday night.. among other things, i dreamt that i was home.. act i dreamt of the whole process of going home, from going to the airport to boarding the plane and then reaching home..
that is a first since i've been here in taipei for 100+ days now... guess i do miss home a lot.. esp after meeting zixuan yesterday at shilin and knowing that she'll be returning to singapore on friday..
ah.. i miss singapore, i miss home.. but for now i haf to complete 5 reports, 1 radio project and take 3 final exams.. sigh..
but i clearly remembered my dream yesterday night.. among other things, i dreamt that i was home.. act i dreamt of the whole process of going home, from going to the airport to boarding the plane and then reaching home..
that is a first since i've been here in taipei for 100+ days now... guess i do miss home a lot.. esp after meeting zixuan yesterday at shilin and knowing that she'll be returning to singapore on friday..
ah.. i miss singapore, i miss home.. but for now i haf to complete 5 reports, 1 radio project and take 3 final exams.. sigh..
Monday, May 22, 2006
call for help to do survey
hey guys, it's time for reports again and hence also research to be done..
as part of my Infomation Society module, we need to survey Singaporeans between the age of 15 to 50 regarding Internet Censorship in Singapore.
So everyone, get take some time off slacking and bumming around and get your mouse clicking.
click on link below to access survey...
can also help me spread the info.. we have only 10 days from today before the survey is closed by the hosting site.. thanx!
as part of my Infomation Society module, we need to survey Singaporeans between the age of 15 to 50 regarding Internet Censorship in Singapore.
So everyone, get take some time off slacking and bumming around and get your mouse clicking.
click on link below to access survey...
can also help me spread the info.. we have only 10 days from today before the survey is closed by the hosting site.. thanx!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
indoor swimming pool

it's such a beautiful pool don't u agree? makes me feel like jumping in to swim so much!! but i din bring my swimsuit over...
love indoor swimming pools, not becos i dun get tanned, but just like the feeling of swimming in one.. guess they need an indoor one cos of the bloody weather here. if it's an outdoor one prob dun get to swim much at all..
think i'll go get a swimsuit here so that i can jump into the pool and haf a nice swim.. and since it's free currently, shall make use of the sch's facilities as much as poss.. hahaha
台北的鬼天气 真是令人讨厌
一下热 一下冷
一下艳阳高照 一下倾盆大雨
新加坡人 讨厌台北的天气
高雄人 讨厌台北的天气
台南人 讨厌台北的天气
台中人 讨厌台北的天气
连台北人 都讨厌台北的天气
一下艳阳高照 一下倾盆大雨
新加坡人 讨厌台北的天气
高雄人 讨厌台北的天气
台南人 讨厌台北的天气
台中人 讨厌台北的天气
连台北人 都讨厌台北的天气
Saturday, May 20, 2006
yeah finally got the long-awaited adrenaline rush i wanted! have been thinking of heading to 六福村 for the longest time.. since there is zilch amusement park in singapore (Escape doesn't really count as one really.. ) and i'm an adventure seeking in this respect, (and especially after watching Amazing Race 9's leg in Japan and the theme park!) i was thrilled to be there to celebrate NCCU's anniversary in our own way.. hahaha
BUT we were told that the 2 most exciting rides in the park were closed for maintenence which was really disappointing.. paying NT$1100 to get in and not being able to get on the most exciting rides!! it's like the 2 times i went to Escape but din get to go for the indoor roller coaster.. IRRITATING!! and why must they closed BOTH for maintenance at once? felt cheated!!
actually, felt that 六福村wasn't as exciting and adrenaline rushing as i expected it to be.. there's wasn't really a ride that i would like to take again like the roller coaster in 九族文化村. they dun even haf a decent roller coaster.. sigh.. but still it was fun laughing our way thru the rides.. i think i laughed more than i screamed..
our fav phrase of the day: 好虛哦。 (i dunno if it's supposed to be 空虛 or 虛弱,it juz means that the ride is not exciting enough)
still we had lotsa fun laughing at ourselves and the rides and also getting wet..
while waiting for the flying carpet to fly.. here's one for the camera.. wanyu (beside me) claims it feels weird not to show the 'peace' sign while taking photos.. so u'll see her with the sign always..
a sample of the rides there.. wet wet ride.. the second one caused me to haf 腦充血.. ha..
wat's an amusement park w/o the merry-go-round.. haha.. everyone has to take a photo with their 'white horse'..

while waiting for ourselves to get dry after a wet wet ride.. 4 girls and a camera means lotsa poses and photos...
BUT we were told that the 2 most exciting rides in the park were closed for maintenence which was really disappointing.. paying NT$1100 to get in and not being able to get on the most exciting rides!! it's like the 2 times i went to Escape but din get to go for the indoor roller coaster.. IRRITATING!! and why must they closed BOTH for maintenance at once? felt cheated!!
actually, felt that 六福村wasn't as exciting and adrenaline rushing as i expected it to be.. there's wasn't really a ride that i would like to take again like the roller coaster in 九族文化村. they dun even haf a decent roller coaster.. sigh.. but still it was fun laughing our way thru the rides.. i think i laughed more than i screamed..
our fav phrase of the day: 好虛哦。 (i dunno if it's supposed to be 空虛 or 虛弱,it juz means that the ride is not exciting enough)
still we had lotsa fun laughing at ourselves and the rides and also getting wet..

argh! no MSN
juz wanna complain that i'm having trouble connecting to MSN.. and it's really irritating me.. i've ran the troubleshooter, all the scans i haf on my com, checked my proxy.. nothing works.. sigh.. irritating.. hate that i can't solve the prob..
internet and MSN comes together.. i'm sure lots of u know what i mean.. no connection to MSN seems like i'm losing connection to my frens and family.. oh no.. signs on over-reliance on MSN!!
internet and MSN comes together.. i'm sure lots of u know what i mean.. no connection to MSN seems like i'm losing connection to my frens and family.. oh no.. signs on over-reliance on MSN!!
Friday, May 19, 2006
where's my tagboard?
where's my tagboard? what's happenend to shoutbox? looks like it got hacked or shut down.. sigh..
anyway not like ppl are tagging much.. hmmm.. do tag when u come dropping by yeah.. i shall go look for a noew tagboard soon..
anyway not like ppl are tagging much.. hmmm.. do tag when u come dropping by yeah.. i shall go look for a noew tagboard soon..
Thursday, May 18, 2006
it's our 100th day in Taiwan!
*cheers* *claps* *confetti* *fireworks*
juz thought that it's a milestone.. there's won't be a second 100 days since our visa expires in exactly 50 days from today.. so well will see you guys back home in less than 50 days..
well it's been a pretty wonderful 100 days so far.. and reaching 100 means we are leaving here soon.. starting to feel a teeny bit sad to that idea... there will definitely be things and people that'll i'll miss here.. well well.. and so the saying goes 天下無不散之筵席...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
brush with death
the absent-minded me was too happy to get dinner and left a book i just borrowed from the library at the store, hence it resulted in me having to return to the same place 1.5 hrs after i was there and also having a close brush with death
i was really relieved to find my book still right there after forgetting its presence for the past 1.5 hrs.. too happy to take note of scooters speeding out of narrow alleys.. well i assumed that narrow alleys were reserved for pedestrains and not scooters...
and so while i was happily turning into the alley, a scooter sped out and i was momentarily blinded by its head lights.. luckily i was agile enough and took 2 steps back in time to avoid being hit by the scooter which would haf resulted in my death.. or at least some injury...
i was too shock to move for the next 2 seconds..
i think they should legislate that scooters should not be allowed in small alleys that could hardly haf 3 ppl walking side to side cos there would bound to accidents!!
there lies a certain extent of exaggeration here but i was truly scared out of my wits.. maybe i wasn't that close a brush to death.. but close enough!
i was really relieved to find my book still right there after forgetting its presence for the past 1.5 hrs.. too happy to take note of scooters speeding out of narrow alleys.. well i assumed that narrow alleys were reserved for pedestrains and not scooters...
and so while i was happily turning into the alley, a scooter sped out and i was momentarily blinded by its head lights.. luckily i was agile enough and took 2 steps back in time to avoid being hit by the scooter which would haf resulted in my death.. or at least some injury...
i was too shock to move for the next 2 seconds..
i think they should legislate that scooters should not be allowed in small alleys that could hardly haf 3 ppl walking side to side cos there would bound to accidents!!
there lies a certain extent of exaggeration here but i was truly scared out of my wits.. maybe i wasn't that close a brush to death.. but close enough!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
金旋獎 is NCCU's equivalent of NTU's Impresario... except it's BIGGER!
for a very fact the competition is open to all taiwan uni students and there are 100+ unis in taiwan..
anyway we went to watch the finals yesterday that was held in school.. and the event big cos there's a television broadcasting it (i dunno if it's live tho) and also 2 radio stations broadcasting the event live.. altho one of them is the sch's radio station.. but then the sch radio station is already like 10 times better than NTU radio fusion cos they haf a bandwidth and can be heard on FM.. basically it's really cool.. wished i had signed up as helper then.. it'll be pretty exciting..
and becos of this, i've decided i'll join the Impresario committee next yr.. altho i'll be on internship.. act i've been wanting to join Impresario for the past 2 yrs but i dunno why i wasn't called for interview in yr 1 tho i signed up and i was planning to come for exchange in yr 2 so i decided not to join so much stuff and in the end pang4 seh1 them.. and i realised i've nv been to an Impresario finals too.. hmm.. but still i wanna join it next yr.. be part of the action!
anyway for 金旋獎 the judges also quite big shot lah.. with Mayday's 瑪莎,黃韻玲 and 陳珊妮 (they are the more well-known ones..) the standard of the solo and composing category was pretty good.. can't say the same for the group category tho.. one thing i can't stand abt it is the emcee-ing.. they are totally lame and crappy.. maybe Taiwanese like this sort of entertainment but there are really moments i feel like throwing my slippers at them...
anyway here's a snippet of the event...

winners of the group category.. in berms and slippers.. sang a song tat's in hokkien, hakka and aborigine lang so i totally dun understand...
for a very fact the competition is open to all taiwan uni students and there are 100+ unis in taiwan..
anyway we went to watch the finals yesterday that was held in school.. and the event big cos there's a television broadcasting it (i dunno if it's live tho) and also 2 radio stations broadcasting the event live.. altho one of them is the sch's radio station.. but then the sch radio station is already like 10 times better than NTU radio fusion cos they haf a bandwidth and can be heard on FM.. basically it's really cool.. wished i had signed up as helper then.. it'll be pretty exciting..
and becos of this, i've decided i'll join the Impresario committee next yr.. altho i'll be on internship.. act i've been wanting to join Impresario for the past 2 yrs but i dunno why i wasn't called for interview in yr 1 tho i signed up and i was planning to come for exchange in yr 2 so i decided not to join so much stuff and in the end pang4 seh1 them.. and i realised i've nv been to an Impresario finals too.. hmm.. but still i wanna join it next yr.. be part of the action!
anyway for 金旋獎 the judges also quite big shot lah.. with Mayday's 瑪莎,黃韻玲 and 陳珊妮 (they are the more well-known ones..) the standard of the solo and composing category was pretty good.. can't say the same for the group category tho.. one thing i can't stand abt it is the emcee-ing.. they are totally lame and crappy.. maybe Taiwanese like this sort of entertainment but there are really moments i feel like throwing my slippers at them...
anyway here's a snippet of the event...

The winners of the solo category... The television broadcast make it look like some sort of a solo concert.. cool.. Well the stage lighitng made it quite hard for me to get good phots taken, plus i was on the 2nd level.. (ok lah i'm not a good photog)

Here's some links to the videos of performances of the finalists...
solo cat 1st
solo cat 2nd
group cat 1st - the ones in berms and slippers and un-understandable song
composition cat 3rd - my personal fav song
And here's some more entertaining ones taken during the prelims of the solo cat.. haha..
amei wannabe
can't stop shaking (my legs)
rendition of wo niu
solo cat 1st
solo cat 2nd
group cat 1st - the ones in berms and slippers and un-understandable song
composition cat 3rd - my personal fav song
And here's some more entertaining ones taken during the prelims of the solo cat.. haha..
amei wannabe
can't stop shaking (my legs)
rendition of wo niu
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
我看来看去还是觉得日文系的裁判可爱一点 :P
一堆一直喊着 "no mind" 的支持者 (好想呛回他们"brainless"... 哈哈!)
我看来看去还是觉得日文系的裁判可爱一点 :P
一堆一直喊着 "no mind" 的支持者 (好想呛回他们"brainless"... 哈哈!)
Monday, May 08, 2006
why does ASEAN have so many different Chinese translations?
in Singapore - 亚细安
in Taiwan - 东协
in China - 东盟
in Singapore - 亚细安
in Taiwan - 东协
in China - 东盟
Sunday, May 07, 2006
king kong part 2
it doesn't really bother me that much when king kong eats non-stop because it does not infringe into my peace or space
but i absolutely cannot take it when she starts to talk to her bf over the phone or using skype..
u see she has a bf in taichung who calls every nite and at an interval of 10 mins.. and when she gets off the phone with him, she starts to msn or webcam with him.. and i can always hear every flirty word she says to her bf..
volume aside.. the thing that i can't stand most about her is the WAY she speaks to her bf.. totally act cute and all.. eeeks.. goosebumps form everytime and my solution to this was:
plug in my earphones on my music to full blast...
today she was at it again.. me and my other roomie were cursing at her over msn despite sitting 50cm from each other.. and she devised a plan: we should start discussing our sch work loudly.. louder than her and so we did.. it seemed to work for she put down her phone after a while...
but after 10mins, her dear bf called again and she was at it once more.. this time my roomie called her juniors over to make even more noise such that we forced King Kong out of the room..
this is what girls will do in a girls' dorm..
but i absolutely cannot take it when she starts to talk to her bf over the phone or using skype..
u see she has a bf in taichung who calls every nite and at an interval of 10 mins.. and when she gets off the phone with him, she starts to msn or webcam with him.. and i can always hear every flirty word she says to her bf..
volume aside.. the thing that i can't stand most about her is the WAY she speaks to her bf.. totally act cute and all.. eeeks.. goosebumps form everytime and my solution to this was:
plug in my earphones on my music to full blast...
today she was at it again.. me and my other roomie were cursing at her over msn despite sitting 50cm from each other.. and she devised a plan: we should start discussing our sch work loudly.. louder than her and so we did.. it seemed to work for she put down her phone after a while...
but after 10mins, her dear bf called again and she was at it once more.. this time my roomie called her juniors over to make even more noise such that we forced King Kong out of the room..
this is what girls will do in a girls' dorm..
malaysian adverts
once again i was looking for entertainment and i turned to youtube for videos..
that was when i came across this series of advertisements sponsored by this Malaysian company called Petronas..
every festive season i.e. Chinese New Year, Hari Raya and Deepavali, they'll produce a public service advert (公益廣告) to promote a certain value of the particular race or as Asians in general.. think they are really well shot and the concept is really good..
worth taking a look.. since most of u guys in Singapore are done with ur exams and have more time than anything to spare.. haha..
Made in 2006 for CNY
Made in 2005 for Hari Raya
Made for Deepavali
These are my fav 3.. there are quite a lot more on Youtube but a lot are purely in Malay so I dun understand but i think are pretty well shot.. search for Petronas on Youtube and there are lots of them...
here are a few more links i personally like..
CNY 2005
that was when i came across this series of advertisements sponsored by this Malaysian company called Petronas..
every festive season i.e. Chinese New Year, Hari Raya and Deepavali, they'll produce a public service advert (公益廣告) to promote a certain value of the particular race or as Asians in general.. think they are really well shot and the concept is really good..
worth taking a look.. since most of u guys in Singapore are done with ur exams and have more time than anything to spare.. haha..
Made in 2006 for CNY
Made in 2005 for Hari Raya
Made for Deepavali
These are my fav 3.. there are quite a lot more on Youtube but a lot are purely in Malay so I dun understand but i think are pretty well shot.. search for Petronas on Youtube and there are lots of them...
here are a few more links i personally like..
CNY 2005
PAP won. again. 82 vs 2.
is anyone surprised? no..
it's weird how i'm extra concerned about this GE even though i'm overseas and my GRC is not contested.. well, it hasn't been contested for the past dunno how many GEs.. let's face it, it's led by LKY so who's gonna contest it?
maybe it's because of the fact that i'm away
maybe it's because i've grown less apathetic and ignorant
maybe turning 21 has got some effect
politics is a big thing in taiwan.. the green and the blue.. u see political news surfacing almost daily..
singapore's political scene only becomes active come GE..
singaporeans resent not having strong opposition, an alternative voice
taiwanese dun understand why we are not satisfied with a 'good and capable' gahmen.. parliament without frequent insignificant squabbles and having to spend time and money dealing with opposition
the grass is always greener on the other side...
is anyone surprised? no..
it's weird how i'm extra concerned about this GE even though i'm overseas and my GRC is not contested.. well, it hasn't been contested for the past dunno how many GEs.. let's face it, it's led by LKY so who's gonna contest it?
maybe it's because of the fact that i'm away
maybe it's because i've grown less apathetic and ignorant
maybe turning 21 has got some effect
politics is a big thing in taiwan.. the green and the blue.. u see political news surfacing almost daily..
singapore's political scene only becomes active come GE..
singaporeans resent not having strong opposition, an alternative voice
taiwanese dun understand why we are not satisfied with a 'good and capable' gahmen.. parliament without frequent insignificant squabbles and having to spend time and money dealing with opposition
the grass is always greener on the other side...
Saturday, May 06, 2006
mask exchange
Taiwanese girls are the world's biggest users of masks..
I believe every girl in Taiwan has reserves of masks in their drawers..
And so, mask exchanging becomes something of a culture..
I have a box of Apple 'Flavoured' Masks
Hanyu has a box of Aloe Vera 'Flavoured' Masks
Siwei has 2 boxes of Pearl 'Flavoured' Masks and 1 box of Yogurt 'Flavoured' Masks
Hence, the exchange began..
And I ended up with 2 pearl masks, 2 aloe vera masks and the rest of my apple masks..
FYI there were also Natou Flavour (the Japanese yellow sticky beans), Sake Flavour (Japanese white wine), Red wine etc etc..
Assimilating into the Taiwanese mask culture... Hoping it would do my complexion some good..
I believe every girl in Taiwan has reserves of masks in their drawers..
And so, mask exchanging becomes something of a culture..
I have a box of Apple 'Flavoured' Masks
Hanyu has a box of Aloe Vera 'Flavoured' Masks
Siwei has 2 boxes of Pearl 'Flavoured' Masks and 1 box of Yogurt 'Flavoured' Masks
Hence, the exchange began..
And I ended up with 2 pearl masks, 2 aloe vera masks and the rest of my apple masks..
FYI there were also Natou Flavour (the Japanese yellow sticky beans), Sake Flavour (Japanese white wine), Red wine etc etc..
Assimilating into the Taiwanese mask culture... Hoping it would do my complexion some good..
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Taipei MOS is closed!!
it was quite an adventure yesterday as we were attempting to club the first time in Taiwan..
first, we made it all the way to MOS which happens to be quite an ulu place only to find out that it had closed about 2 months back.. 3 non-taiwanese girls wondering about on Taipei streets at almost midnight at a ulu place that reminded me of Punggol.. (cos there were rows of public housing with empty fields around)
we heard about it being not happening, but little did we know that it's actually closed.. the website is still up and running and no one around us knew that it was closed! as we make our way there we start to understand why.. it's simply too ulu for ppl to go.. but then the cab driver said it was due to the problem of drugs that they were forced to close down..
anyway, since we were already on our clubbing mood, we decided to make our way to another club called Room 18 near Taipei 101.. but that place is also damn hard to find.. and apparently it's owned by some Taiwanese artiste so lotsa artistes will go.. we did not see any yesterday tho.. in fact there weren;t a lot of ppl there.. all we saw were a bunch of either young boys and girls or weird looking men.. and those guys are pretty eager to get to know the girls.. us included.. asking lotsa wierd ques which we simply feigned ignorance over the loud music.. haha
and guess how they dress to go clubbing? shorts and converse shoes.. CONVERSE SHOES!! yeah.. watever..
and for those wondering if Taiwanese clubs play chinese hip hop and techno, no they still play english songs.. but i heard from Adrian that some club he went to had chinese techno remixes of Sun Yanzi songs.. hmm..
first, we made it all the way to MOS which happens to be quite an ulu place only to find out that it had closed about 2 months back.. 3 non-taiwanese girls wondering about on Taipei streets at almost midnight at a ulu place that reminded me of Punggol.. (cos there were rows of public housing with empty fields around)
we heard about it being not happening, but little did we know that it's actually closed.. the website is still up and running and no one around us knew that it was closed! as we make our way there we start to understand why.. it's simply too ulu for ppl to go.. but then the cab driver said it was due to the problem of drugs that they were forced to close down..
anyway, since we were already on our clubbing mood, we decided to make our way to another club called Room 18 near Taipei 101.. but that place is also damn hard to find.. and apparently it's owned by some Taiwanese artiste so lotsa artistes will go.. we did not see any yesterday tho.. in fact there weren;t a lot of ppl there.. all we saw were a bunch of either young boys and girls or weird looking men.. and those guys are pretty eager to get to know the girls.. us included.. asking lotsa wierd ques which we simply feigned ignorance over the loud music.. haha
and guess how they dress to go clubbing? shorts and converse shoes.. CONVERSE SHOES!! yeah.. watever..
and for those wondering if Taiwanese clubs play chinese hip hop and techno, no they still play english songs.. but i heard from Adrian that some club he went to had chinese techno remixes of Sun Yanzi songs.. hmm..
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Try this out.. Warning: it's in Chinese..
This is my results:-
你们觉得准吗? 我觉得还好而已...
我从来没遇到很准的算命之类的东西... 是我怪还是世上不可能会有那么准的呢?
This is my results:-
今生衣祿 | |
信女林卉 乙丑生人,為人愛結交異性,風流韻事多,又愛見識天下事,兒時有不如意事,但得父母護蔭,如不努力讀書長大後必活於草根階層,與配偶無刑沖,親戚幫助少,如是女性則性子較急,亦頗能幹。 |
前世 | 後世 | ||||
![]() |
今生性格 |
今生性格似白馬 你的性格有如一匹白馬,思想獨立有創意,不受傳統觀念的束縛,當然不會人云亦云了,你熱愛追求自由與理想,我行我素亦是一種獨有的魅力。不過缺點則是太情緒化,欠缺理智的你做事衝動,有時難免碰釘了。戀愛方面,理智踏實型的愛人可以幫你一把。 |
今生衣祿寓意詩 |
「二月生人氣性剛,口雖無毒事無險,憐貧愛老多仁善,運行好處置田莊。」生於戌時末,衣祿自然來,平生福自寬,百事從心意,福壽比南山。 |
你们觉得准吗? 我觉得还好而已...
我从来没遇到很准的算命之类的东西... 是我怪还是世上不可能会有那么准的呢?
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
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