Sunday, February 04, 2007

life's differences

accountants are a blessed lot.. my ex-roomie is one.. they spend 3 yrs in school and get an honours degree and even before they graduate, prospective employers are fighting to get them.. seriously.. if you are an accountancy graduate, you are almost certainly secured employment by one of the big 4s.. as my ex-roomie puts it, the interviews with the big 4s are more of the company selling you their company and why you should choose them rather than you selling urself.. my roomie got selected by all 4 companies in the end..

and just when she thought she had made up her mind, one of the big 4s decided they want to offer her $200 more for her starting pay for her good results.. but she hasn't even graduated and do not know what honours classification she'll be getting.. anyway it seems like they are offering almost everyone this $200 more to lure them to the company..

now you see what i mean by accountants are a blessed lot.. the companies are FIGHTING for them.. wow.. what am i doing in the media industry where the starting pay is probably a good 1000 away from an accountant's.. hmm... and i even have to fork out money on my own to complete my FYP and accountants don't even need to do FYP..

then i remember.. i hate numbers and hate sitting in the office...

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