i have this sudden urge to get into contact with them.. act it dates back a bit when my friend told me abt a gathering of her pri sch classmates on the 10th anniversary since they've graduated.. i tot it's really cool.. well this year this the 10th year that my batch graduated from primary school.. think it's really something.. plus the fact that i've lost touch with pretty much most of them since i was the only one from my pri sch to go to dhs..
and i would say it was also fuelled by a talk that i had yesterday with a malaysian friend studying in taiwan and was in singapore on transit on her way back to taiwan.. well it's complicated.. she was asking me about whether i meet up with my friends often and stuff, said she and her pri sch friends are still quite close n all.. you know that kind of thing.. that just made me realise how 'disconnected' i am with my friends..
but the point is that i actually already got 2 responses from them just by tracking them down on friendster and sending am email on friendster to them.. within say 4 hrs of sending out the emails.. much better response than i expected really.. and everyone would still be in contact with at least 1 or 2 other friends.. so that's cool.. friendster is indeed a good 'invention'.. haha.. i really did not expect ppl to be checking it (cos i dun..)
so looks like my 10th anniversary gathering is still going to happen!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
感谢湘怡的口香糖和《17岁的天空》DVD.. 哇,这两样在新加坡都是禁品也,想不到可以顺利收到,谢谢你煞费苦心啦。看了DVD后再告诉大家如何。想看的新加坡朋友也可以向我借:P
感谢湘怡的口香糖和《17岁的天空》DVD.. 哇,这两样在新加坡都是禁品也,想不到可以顺利收到,谢谢你煞费苦心啦。看了DVD后再告诉大家如何。想看的新加坡朋友也可以向我借:P
Thursday, February 15, 2007
all hell broke loose on budget day
it's total chaos in the news room today.. and it's the first time that Budget Day is actually a big deal for me.. well not that i was in the heat of action cos i wasn't one of them that had to listen closely to the speech, or busy writing news scripts, or doing post-budget interviews.. just that i was around the heat and cos so many people were involved today, poor interns like us got displaced and had no desk to sit so was just wondering around the newsroom trying to look relevant..
and Mediacorp actually is quite good on welfare.. specially catered buffet dinner for the newsroom in view of how crazy it could get doing the budget.. whooo... so i hung around to get a share of the buffet even though technically i had nothing to do with all the budget flurry..
so how was everyone's Valentine's Day yesterday?
I would say this year V-day feels the most un-valentine's of all the valentine's day i've had.. i mean i've never really celebrated a v-day with any valentine but at least in school there's usu the friendship day thingy and people will be busy exchanging gifts.. and those angel and mortal games where you are more or less obliged to get each other something.. there is usu the hype there you see.. but this year there's really not that mood at all..
cos it's really just another day of work and i had so much work to complete cos of the impending CNY, was really numb by the end of the day and i still had to go to Chinatown to do a report on the CNY bazaar..
yes.. so i spent my valentine's day (or rather night) at Chinatown.. like i said, my beat is unofficially Chinatown!
and Mediacorp actually is quite good on welfare.. specially catered buffet dinner for the newsroom in view of how crazy it could get doing the budget.. whooo... so i hung around to get a share of the buffet even though technically i had nothing to do with all the budget flurry..
so how was everyone's Valentine's Day yesterday?
I would say this year V-day feels the most un-valentine's of all the valentine's day i've had.. i mean i've never really celebrated a v-day with any valentine but at least in school there's usu the friendship day thingy and people will be busy exchanging gifts.. and those angel and mortal games where you are more or less obliged to get each other something.. there is usu the hype there you see.. but this year there's really not that mood at all..
cos it's really just another day of work and i had so much work to complete cos of the impending CNY, was really numb by the end of the day and i still had to go to Chinatown to do a report on the CNY bazaar..
yes.. so i spent my valentine's day (or rather night) at Chinatown.. like i said, my beat is unofficially Chinatown!
Friday, February 09, 2007
new skin, new begining?
i started this blog to update ppl and to chronicle the happenings during my exhange in Taiwan. It's been 1 year and 1 day since i first stepped into Taiwanese shores for my exchange. (meant to write this yesterday la.. so it's 1 day late :P) so in a sense, the new look is to commemorate the 1st anniversary of me going to Taiwan for exchange..
All i can say is that it was truly an eye-opener and i definitely did not regret going there.. and having been there and done that, i really wanna go out again, go out more.. nothing beats going out there and experiencing a different lifestyle. so anyone comtemplating exchange or whatever chance to go overseas, don't have to think so much, just go! but it's also important to go with an open mind...
this was me, a year and a day ago..
my first meal in Taiwan.. it's some beef house and the food there is delicious.. i rememeber it's just opposite 华视... do i look different?
All i can say is that it was truly an eye-opener and i definitely did not regret going there.. and having been there and done that, i really wanna go out again, go out more.. nothing beats going out there and experiencing a different lifestyle. so anyone comtemplating exchange or whatever chance to go overseas, don't have to think so much, just go! but it's also important to go with an open mind...
this was me, a year and a day ago..
new skin!!!
like the new skin? heh adapted from something i found on blogskin.. since i do not have the know-how or the time to make one of my own, i shall juz try to personalize it.. comments anyone?
Thursday, February 08, 2007
this blog shall have a new look soon..
i'm sick of this skin.. cos it's not been appearing right for a long time.. i've given it enough chance.. shall change it soon... :(
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
diya will always be our superstar!
ok this is a little overdue... still i tot Diya did a really great job on Sunday! it was really like watching a concert and i totally enjoyed myself (haha screaming and all..) sitting on the 3rd row... well and also getting recognised by friends and colleagues in the VT.. so now i'm known a as a Diya fan.. haha..
it was kinda sad that she did not win.. but then i dun think it's such a bad thing cos i do think that she'll still be offered contracts and she will make it big one day!! and she get really get a much deserved rest..
but now i'm looking forward to seeing her around 958 next week.. haha..
and speaking of 958.. oh well, my topics are mostly about work these days la ah.. what to do.. work 5 days a week so everything i see, i hear, i do is about work.. but the point is that i was praised today thru a mass email about a report i filed last week! haha doesn't sound very impressive ah.. but first time get praised mah.. it's the holland v rat story.. i shall go n copy n paste the contents of the email here man.. ok buay hiao bai.. still i'm happy..
email excerpt..
"另外一个是林卉追踪有关荷兰村老鼠为患的热线新闻。这则新闻的报道全面,投诉受鼠患困扰的受访者的 soundbite相当精彩,记者也访问了附近的居民和有关当局,让人留下深刻的印象。"
i think i'm crazy.. cos i'm happy when they give me many many things to do.. so much so that i might haf to work OT.. cos it means that they trust me, that they think i can do a good job.. i hate sitting in the office trying to act busy.. :P
i remember during a 301 class that we were told to rank what we look out for in a job or sth liddat.. there were things like money, power, recognition, being appreciated blah blah... i dun remember what i chose but now i know what's my no.1 criteria in a job.. to be appreciated for what i do..
ok time to sleep.. hotline morning shift again tml *yawnz*
it was kinda sad that she did not win.. but then i dun think it's such a bad thing cos i do think that she'll still be offered contracts and she will make it big one day!! and she get really get a much deserved rest..
but now i'm looking forward to seeing her around 958 next week.. haha..
and speaking of 958.. oh well, my topics are mostly about work these days la ah.. what to do.. work 5 days a week so everything i see, i hear, i do is about work.. but the point is that i was praised today thru a mass email about a report i filed last week! haha doesn't sound very impressive ah.. but first time get praised mah.. it's the holland v rat story.. i shall go n copy n paste the contents of the email here man.. ok buay hiao bai.. still i'm happy..
email excerpt..
"另外一个是林卉追踪有关荷兰村老鼠为患的热线新闻。这则新闻的报道全面,投诉受鼠患困扰的受访者的 soundbite相当精彩,记者也访问了附近的居民和有关当局,让人留下深刻的印象。"
i think i'm crazy.. cos i'm happy when they give me many many things to do.. so much so that i might haf to work OT.. cos it means that they trust me, that they think i can do a good job.. i hate sitting in the office trying to act busy.. :P
i remember during a 301 class that we were told to rank what we look out for in a job or sth liddat.. there were things like money, power, recognition, being appreciated blah blah... i dun remember what i chose but now i know what's my no.1 criteria in a job.. to be appreciated for what i do..
ok time to sleep.. hotline morning shift again tml *yawnz*
Sunday, February 04, 2007
some random photo updates...
IH Opening - Cheerleading competition
hall seven cheerleaders striking a sexy pose.. haha.. seriously i thought they should have won the cheerleading competition.. great dance and stunts as well, totally max entertainment value but they say it's kinda un-cheerleading like.. oh well..
i salute him for his courage to do this really.. haha.. golden cupid.. but i think it's still quite tastefully done.. i was quite disusted by the other cross dressing mascot.. esp the sailermoon.. yikes! shall not disgust u guys with the pics..
Reporting snap-snots..
(Holland V)
we received a complaint about rat problem in Holland V.. it turns out this alley is really totally infested by rats the size up to those of a kitten.. huge rats and up to 20 of them can appear in teh evening.. crazy!! and you know wat this is the alley behind all those restaurants such as Crystal Jade and Thai Express.. so guys beware!!
the stacks of rubbish that served as good hideout for the rats.. but i must say the waste management of the restaurants are pretty well done already.. i believe the problem lies....
here! at the clogged drains.. so disgusted by it.. and according to NEA they found like 10 rat nests (or equivalent.. dunno wat's the right to call it..) and by the way this problem seemed to have existed for the past 4 years at least.. omg.. what have we been eating ?
Lim Chee Guan Bak Gua
was told to do a story on the bak gua market for CNY.. you know la 958 listeners are aunties that are really concerned about such stuff.. and it was 10am in the morning but already a queue of 30-40 ppl have formed outside LCG bak gua.. and they were selling it at $44/kg already.. but it was Fragrance bak gua and Bee Cheng Hiang that were nicest to me.. gave me samples of their bakgua.. oh.. Fragrance had this really cute pig-shaped bak gua but my colleagues gobbled it up before i could get a snap shot of those piglets..
IH Opening - Cheerleading competition

(Holland V)

Lim Chee Guan Bak Gua

life's differences
accountants are a blessed lot.. my ex-roomie is one.. they spend 3 yrs in school and get an honours degree and even before they graduate, prospective employers are fighting to get them.. seriously.. if you are an accountancy graduate, you are almost certainly secured employment by one of the big 4s.. as my ex-roomie puts it, the interviews with the big 4s are more of the company selling you their company and why you should choose them rather than you selling urself.. my roomie got selected by all 4 companies in the end..
and just when she thought she had made up her mind, one of the big 4s decided they want to offer her $200 more for her starting pay for her good results.. but she hasn't even graduated and do not know what honours classification she'll be getting.. anyway it seems like they are offering almost everyone this $200 more to lure them to the company..
now you see what i mean by accountants are a blessed lot.. the companies are FIGHTING for them.. wow.. what am i doing in the media industry where the starting pay is probably a good 1000 away from an accountant's.. hmm... and i even have to fork out money on my own to complete my FYP and accountants don't even need to do FYP..
then i remember.. i hate numbers and hate sitting in the office...
and just when she thought she had made up her mind, one of the big 4s decided they want to offer her $200 more for her starting pay for her good results.. but she hasn't even graduated and do not know what honours classification she'll be getting.. anyway it seems like they are offering almost everyone this $200 more to lure them to the company..
now you see what i mean by accountants are a blessed lot.. the companies are FIGHTING for them.. wow.. what am i doing in the media industry where the starting pay is probably a good 1000 away from an accountant's.. hmm... and i even have to fork out money on my own to complete my FYP and accountants don't even need to do FYP..
then i remember.. i hate numbers and hate sitting in the office...
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