seeing what you want to
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Monday, May 09, 2011
对于所有反对党人,我想致以敬意,因为要站出来,是需要一定的勇气的。而就因为有你们的先河,让国人看到这并非想象中的可怕,也让所谓的climate of fear越来越不成立。你们唤醒了国人沉睡中的愿望。看到我身边朋友一个个都被激励,以实际行动去支持他们所相信的理念,这只能对新加坡来说,是好事。
对于所有反对党人,我想致以敬意,因为要站出来,是需要一定的勇气的。而就因为有你们的先河,让国人看到这并非想象中的可怕,也让所谓的climate of fear越来越不成立。你们唤醒了国人沉睡中的愿望。看到我身边朋友一个个都被激励,以实际行动去支持他们所相信的理念,这只能对新加坡来说,是好事。
Friday, May 06, 2011
What is election without rallies?
A time where one gets the ticket to smear the govt and oppo parties openly. It's amazing how such stuff brings people together.
Never before do I realise how passionate Singaporeans can be. Never before do I realise how Singaporeans can unite over a cause. Never before do I realise the power of Uncles. Never before do I not see Singaporeans complain about having to standing in the hot sun or in water-logged fields getting their feet muddy.
The power of politics is to unite, but to split as well. Once u pledge allegiance to one party, you are inevitably against the other. I do not have to vote, but I'm still torn about what kind of government or parliament I want to see in Singapore.
While a 1 party takes a parliament is not the ideal, a clear cut 2 party system is not as well. Personal experience in Taiwan and Philippines has made me seen it's ill effects and appreciating what I have in Singapore. There are countless other examples to prove how a partisan 2 party system is detrimental. But yet, what the oppositions are pointing out in their rallies and are offering is so tempting as well. 有竞争才有进步是不争的规律。
It is beyond a doubt that what we have today is the work of the ruling party. The Singapore that we are all proud of. But there are still certain areas that we are unhappy about, and the proposition that we can make the Singapore we are proud of even better sounds good doesn't it? Personally, I'm not in favour of just letting any oppo voice in parly, but if we see a good one, I think we should give them a chance to prove themselves.
Then and again, I'm not the person with the vote in hand. So, here i zip.
A time where one gets the ticket to smear the govt and oppo parties openly. It's amazing how such stuff brings people together.
Never before do I realise how passionate Singaporeans can be. Never before do I realise how Singaporeans can unite over a cause. Never before do I realise the power of Uncles. Never before do I not see Singaporeans complain about having to standing in the hot sun or in water-logged fields getting their feet muddy.
The power of politics is to unite, but to split as well. Once u pledge allegiance to one party, you are inevitably against the other. I do not have to vote, but I'm still torn about what kind of government or parliament I want to see in Singapore.
While a 1 party takes a parliament is not the ideal, a clear cut 2 party system is not as well. Personal experience in Taiwan and Philippines has made me seen it's ill effects and appreciating what I have in Singapore. There are countless other examples to prove how a partisan 2 party system is detrimental. But yet, what the oppositions are pointing out in their rallies and are offering is so tempting as well. 有竞争才有进步是不争的规律。
It is beyond a doubt that what we have today is the work of the ruling party. The Singapore that we are all proud of. But there are still certain areas that we are unhappy about, and the proposition that we can make the Singapore we are proud of even better sounds good doesn't it? Personally, I'm not in favour of just letting any oppo voice in parly, but if we see a good one, I think we should give them a chance to prove themselves.
Then and again, I'm not the person with the vote in hand. So, here i zip.
Well, it's been a whirlwind week, with too much info on either side that my puny brain can handle.
The liberalization of the internet and social media for campaigning meant that information is in explosive volumes, and that believe it or not, one can filter out stuff that you don't want to see or hear more easily.
For one, I would like to speak up on the criticisms on main stream media that has been made by almost every opposition party, saying that it's the mouth piece of government and gives unfair coverage to the opposition cause.
As a participant/contributor of the mainstream media, I tend to cringe whenever I hear this. We did do our very best to cover both sides equally. But the idea of fairness is actually subjective. What is fair coverage to you, would not be fair to the other party right? So what is fair? 50-50 coverage of the ruling and opposition parties? OR should we go down to the details to proportioning everyday's coverage based on the number of candidates each party is sending to contest like in the case of the party political broadcast?
When 1 party shoots down another, we got to report on it, as a fact, that A criticizes B for this. But at the same time, we will give B the right of reply. I think that is fair. Seeing both sides of the story. But due to deadline/space or any other constraints, it might not be possible to carry it in the same article or at the same time. That people need to understand.
In journalism, there are other factors of consideration when it comes to who gets more coverage. If you spout nonsense and say boring stuff, u prob might not be carried. In this election for example, an Aljunied GRC related election news, will take precedence say over Sembawang GRC, as we know ppl want to know more abt Aljunied than Sembawang. Is that fair?
Our yardstick of fairness might not be the same as yours. And as with politics, we can't make everyone happy all the time.
The liberalization of the internet and social media for campaigning meant that information is in explosive volumes, and that believe it or not, one can filter out stuff that you don't want to see or hear more easily.
For one, I would like to speak up on the criticisms on main stream media that has been made by almost every opposition party, saying that it's the mouth piece of government and gives unfair coverage to the opposition cause.
As a participant/contributor of the mainstream media, I tend to cringe whenever I hear this. We did do our very best to cover both sides equally. But the idea of fairness is actually subjective. What is fair coverage to you, would not be fair to the other party right? So what is fair? 50-50 coverage of the ruling and opposition parties? OR should we go down to the details to proportioning everyday's coverage based on the number of candidates each party is sending to contest like in the case of the party political broadcast?
When 1 party shoots down another, we got to report on it, as a fact, that A criticizes B for this. But at the same time, we will give B the right of reply. I think that is fair. Seeing both sides of the story. But due to deadline/space or any other constraints, it might not be possible to carry it in the same article or at the same time. That people need to understand.
In journalism, there are other factors of consideration when it comes to who gets more coverage. If you spout nonsense and say boring stuff, u prob might not be carried. In this election for example, an Aljunied GRC related election news, will take precedence say over Sembawang GRC, as we know ppl want to know more abt Aljunied than Sembawang. Is that fair?
Our yardstick of fairness might not be the same as yours. And as with politics, we can't make everyone happy all the time.
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
This comes a little late as it's hard to peel my eyes of election related news online these days. And with the rallies in full force, it just gets so much more action packed.
Was at the WP rally at Hougang earlier, a very 1st election rally I've been to. Well, my family had nv had to vote since I dunno when (1991 I supposed), not even this time round, so we really nv had to talk politics. Atmosphere was great with random ppl shouting support and boo-ing the govt. There was prolly 20 to 30K ppl there and I est that half the ppl I knew was there. Saw at least 20 ppl I know, not counting those that I couldn't spot amid the crazy crowd.
Back to Nomination Day craziness, actually I wasn't that crazy lah. I actually missed all the drama at my nomination centre cos I was stationed by the Notice Board. Seriously, our only view was the notice board and nothing else. Can't even see the crowd, can only occasionally hear them.
Now for my fav moments at Tao Nan School Nomination Centre:
- fellow reporter asking me what she should file for her prob 4th live report of the day. "How about I'm sweating like a pig, my hair is messy and my makeup is melting?"
- someone telling me SM Goh will be giving a doorstop interview later right where we are stationed. I asked him how he knew. He said, "I met him in the toilet and asked him if he can give a doorstop and he said yes." Wow. Maybe I should have stalked Tin Pei Ling or Nicole Seah in the toilet.
- While waiting for the Returning Officer to announce the confirmed lineup, all the reporters were wondering what was taking so long, and we came up with various stories of how Ms Tin is having an early showdown with Ms Seah.
- Following on that, a fellow not-to-be-quoted reporter said, "Did u see Tin Pei Ling's VPL? TPL VPL. She wear white damn obvious lah." That was a male reporter.
- When the various candidates are making their speeches and it was TPL's turn, the crowd goes "Kate Spade! Kate Spade!"
That was all I can remember for now.
Seriously, although PAP have like 3/4 times more supporters than the opposition combined, their supporters do not have as much viction as the oppo's supporters. Just by listening to their cheers and jeers, I would have thought that they were similar in strength, sometimes the oppo seemed even louder than the PAP supporters.
But if the numbers were anything to go by, it's prob an indication of the actual votes each party would get. Having louder dissenting voice, does not mean u can win.
It doesn't matter whether u draw the cross with a fat marker pen or a thin pencil, it is still one cross.
Was at the WP rally at Hougang earlier, a very 1st election rally I've been to. Well, my family had nv had to vote since I dunno when (1991 I supposed), not even this time round, so we really nv had to talk politics. Atmosphere was great with random ppl shouting support and boo-ing the govt. There was prolly 20 to 30K ppl there and I est that half the ppl I knew was there. Saw at least 20 ppl I know, not counting those that I couldn't spot amid the crazy crowd.
Back to Nomination Day craziness, actually I wasn't that crazy lah. I actually missed all the drama at my nomination centre cos I was stationed by the Notice Board. Seriously, our only view was the notice board and nothing else. Can't even see the crowd, can only occasionally hear them.
Now for my fav moments at Tao Nan School Nomination Centre:
- fellow reporter asking me what she should file for her prob 4th live report of the day. "How about I'm sweating like a pig, my hair is messy and my makeup is melting?"
- someone telling me SM Goh will be giving a doorstop interview later right where we are stationed. I asked him how he knew. He said, "I met him in the toilet and asked him if he can give a doorstop and he said yes." Wow. Maybe I should have stalked Tin Pei Ling or Nicole Seah in the toilet.
- While waiting for the Returning Officer to announce the confirmed lineup, all the reporters were wondering what was taking so long, and we came up with various stories of how Ms Tin is having an early showdown with Ms Seah.
- Following on that, a fellow not-to-be-quoted reporter said, "Did u see Tin Pei Ling's VPL? TPL VPL. She wear white damn obvious lah." That was a male reporter.
- When the various candidates are making their speeches and it was TPL's turn, the crowd goes "Kate Spade! Kate Spade!"
That was all I can remember for now.
Seriously, although PAP have like 3/4 times more supporters than the opposition combined, their supporters do not have as much viction as the oppo's supporters. Just by listening to their cheers and jeers, I would have thought that they were similar in strength, sometimes the oppo seemed even louder than the PAP supporters.
But if the numbers were anything to go by, it's prob an indication of the actual votes each party would get. Having louder dissenting voice, does not mean u can win.
It doesn't matter whether u draw the cross with a fat marker pen or a thin pencil, it is still one cross.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Let the smearing begin
The event of the year is here! Like finally... In fact I've been waiting for it for a while.
Tomorrow is the start of the real action, and I think I might get too excited to sleep properly tonight.
These days, all I tend to talk about is politics. That is something I'd never imagine myself doing 5 years ago. But I'm truly glad to be part of this very exciting elections that seems promising of some real breakthrough.
All the opposition vigour and conviction of fightly against the odds have somehow rubbed off me. I don't think I can feel the same on the white-on-white camp except that most of the time they come out as very defensive.
How is one supposed to make a choice? Based on reports you see in the media? Based on what u see online? Based on looks/age/gender/race/gut feelings? What if the choice doesn't really give you REAL choice?
While I agree with the need more more alternative voices, I do not believe in condoning bad voices. So then, how do I make my choice?
A friend has suggested I blog more to share some of my personal experience since I've got the chance to have real personal contact with the different camps. Actually I would very much like to have a personal document of this as well. But I'm one who need to think thru my post thoroughly before I can post and after a long day at work with overflowing info and thereafter staring at computer screen and listening and re-listening soundbites, I tend to get too tired to sit down and sort out my thoughts for a coherent post. Nonetheless, I shall try.
This election is the 1st time I am eligible to vote (it still remains to be seen if I get to vote tho). This election is the 1st I get to cover as a journalist. It's going to be tough, it's going to be tiring, but now, I'm rearing to go!
Tomorrow is the start of the real action, and I think I might get too excited to sleep properly tonight.
These days, all I tend to talk about is politics. That is something I'd never imagine myself doing 5 years ago. But I'm truly glad to be part of this very exciting elections that seems promising of some real breakthrough.
All the opposition vigour and conviction of fightly against the odds have somehow rubbed off me. I don't think I can feel the same on the white-on-white camp except that most of the time they come out as very defensive.
How is one supposed to make a choice? Based on reports you see in the media? Based on what u see online? Based on looks/age/gender/race/gut feelings? What if the choice doesn't really give you REAL choice?
While I agree with the need more more alternative voices, I do not believe in condoning bad voices. So then, how do I make my choice?
A friend has suggested I blog more to share some of my personal experience since I've got the chance to have real personal contact with the different camps. Actually I would very much like to have a personal document of this as well. But I'm one who need to think thru my post thoroughly before I can post and after a long day at work with overflowing info and thereafter staring at computer screen and listening and re-listening soundbites, I tend to get too tired to sit down and sort out my thoughts for a coherent post. Nonetheless, I shall try.
This election is the 1st time I am eligible to vote (it still remains to be seen if I get to vote tho). This election is the 1st I get to cover as a journalist. It's going to be tough, it's going to be tiring, but now, I'm rearing to go!
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Tourist for the day
How well do you know Singapore?
U might have lived in Singapore for all your life but at the pace that Singapore is changing, I dun think anyone can claim they know Singapore well.
Singaporeans are constantly thinking of going overseas for holiday. The idea of being a tourist in a foreign land is so enticing, so relaxing. But perhaps it's just the mindset and not the place that matters.
So, we decided to be tourist to Singapore for a day. Around Tiong Bahru and Chinatown. And it was most amazingly relaxing. Of course it was helped by the cloudy, cooling weather that helps to put you in the mindset that you are in foreign land. Plus is you will not break a sweat going up and down the numerous steps along the shophouses in Chinatown.
Starting point: Tiong Bahru Market and Food Centre
Sumptous local delights of 178 Lor Mee, 老陈 Fried Carrot Cake and 建柏 Chwee Kueh is the great start. Yums.
Take a slow stroll towards Chinatown.
Walking past my church kindergarten, a place I last visited 20 years ago. Feels like it did not change at all. Nolstalgia nolstagia. Tho the colour of the other kindergarten in front just turns uglier over the years.

Passing by Outram MRT, we decided to hunt for a yummy Japanese cake joint at Duxton Hill. En route, a great find. Bookstore all of a couple of months old called Littered with Books.
Photo credit: Littered with Books
It's so quaint. Never someone to buy many many books, but I always love the feeling of visiting bookstores. Makes me feel intellectual among the wisdom in those millions and billions of words. Tho it's really 自欺欺人。哈!
And the little afternoon tour ends with great cakes from Flor at 2 Duxton Hill.

Earl Grey and Napoleon cakes. Fresh cream, light pastry. So so yums. The Earl Grey is really very Earl Grey, so if you're not an Earl Grey lover, then perhaps you won't like it. Great way to end the touristy day tho. Sip tea, eat cake, people watch.
More tourist days to come. Hehe..
U might have lived in Singapore for all your life but at the pace that Singapore is changing, I dun think anyone can claim they know Singapore well.
Singaporeans are constantly thinking of going overseas for holiday. The idea of being a tourist in a foreign land is so enticing, so relaxing. But perhaps it's just the mindset and not the place that matters.
So, we decided to be tourist to Singapore for a day. Around Tiong Bahru and Chinatown. And it was most amazingly relaxing. Of course it was helped by the cloudy, cooling weather that helps to put you in the mindset that you are in foreign land. Plus is you will not break a sweat going up and down the numerous steps along the shophouses in Chinatown.
Starting point: Tiong Bahru Market and Food Centre
Sumptous local delights of 178 Lor Mee, 老陈 Fried Carrot Cake and 建柏 Chwee Kueh is the great start. Yums.
Take a slow stroll towards Chinatown.
Walking past my church kindergarten, a place I last visited 20 years ago. Feels like it did not change at all. Nolstalgia nolstagia. Tho the colour of the other kindergarten in front just turns uglier over the years.

Passing by Outram MRT, we decided to hunt for a yummy Japanese cake joint at Duxton Hill. En route, a great find. Bookstore all of a couple of months old called Littered with Books.

It's so quaint. Never someone to buy many many books, but I always love the feeling of visiting bookstores. Makes me feel intellectual among the wisdom in those millions and billions of words. Tho it's really 自欺欺人。哈!
And the little afternoon tour ends with great cakes from Flor at 2 Duxton Hill.

Earl Grey and Napoleon cakes. Fresh cream, light pastry. So so yums. The Earl Grey is really very Earl Grey, so if you're not an Earl Grey lover, then perhaps you won't like it. Great way to end the touristy day tho. Sip tea, eat cake, people watch.
More tourist days to come. Hehe..
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