yet another fulfilling production..
it's always a jovial affair, working with the friends there.. always an enjoyable event as the people are forever so dedicated yet also play really hard..
it's nice to be involved with people whom were away and missing-in-action for a while.. those from my batch.. there is no other batch of friends like them.. we literally grow up together..
it's nice to be getting to know the younger ones.. it's wonderous seeing them grow up.. (tho i feel that most of them just grow up physically and not mentally.. esp the guys.. haha)
having being involved in other productions before, there is nothing like working in a hhk production.. the kind of bonds, the kind of dedications, the kind of commitement, the kind of support we get.. the people are simply great!
-- yet another quality production by Hokkien Huay Kuan Youth Drama Troupe

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