Tuesday, August 08, 2006

back to school..

i've never been so happy to be back in school.. seeing those familiar faces and going back to the familiar setting that i left 8 months ago... was really excited to see my friends again.. it's really a very cosy feeling sitting by the benches and having packet lunch with them, bitching about this and that, making lame jokes, just hanging out..

if going for exchange has taught me one thing, it is cherishing my friends and not taking them for granted.. really.. so glad that i'm back with all of them around me.. in school, in hall, in my CCAs.. feel so happy just having them around.. they are always ever so entertaining..

it's the official start of a crazy semester.. video I and audio I would be quite a killer.. I'm already having 3 hr video tutorials starting tomorrow when this is still the first week of school..

welcome to the world of an EBMer..

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