the semester has non-officially ended.. cos now there's juz exams n reports left.. no more lessons to go to.. update: i've still got 1 international relations exam left and 2 reports to complete..
the end of the semester also means more photo-taking..
the intercultural masters class.. well i took a masters class! it was not as tought as i tot it would be really.. there are onli like 11 students in the class so this is abt 70% the class size lah..
radio production class' visit to Wave Radio station.. it's one of the radio station with the highest listenership in Taipei.. but the place is pretty small and the PR personnel is really lousy.. there's students from NTU (Singapore and Taiwan.. haha), Malaysians and even a Korean in this class.. pretty interesting combi..
our infomation society tutor.. he is one naggy teacher but his lessons are one of those that i enjoy more.. we chatted away for an hr on the probloems of nccu or taiwans uni system and he keeps saying that he wans to do sth about it but has limited influence.. well, hope his ideals get thru and taiwan's uni students can be enlightened..
from info soc class: Ileen and Michiyo.. Ileen is Taiwanese but spent half her life in South Africa while Michiyo is half Japanese.. we juz haf to do the 'peace' sign.. i used to think that it's a jap thing but now i realised it's a taiwan thing too.. well, taiwanese juz embrace everything from japan.. yes everything...
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