finally.. sunny days in Taipei!! it's been sunny for 3 consecutive days.. and yesterday was the first day i could walk around in t-shirt and today actually reached 25 degrees.. so happy!
anyway, weekends were spent exploring the city as usual.. haha.. getting sick of Taipei City so we've decided to go to 新竹 this weekend.. excited! and i might make a trip down to 六福村主題遊樂園 which is a theme park.. hehe..
decide to haf a lazy lazy friday so we ended up juz catching a movie at Warner Village, the biggest cinema in Taipei. Caught Rent and it cost me nt$265 which is equivalent to abt S$13+.. and tat is already concession for students.. man it's expensive to watch movies here.. but i tot it was a good show.. one of the best movie-musical.. powerful singing and acting.. strongly encourage u all to catch it if u haven.. wonder wat's its ratinf in Singapore.. hmmm..
but it's actually cheaper elsewhere cos me and hanyu watched Munich on 228 at a cinema in 西門町 and it was nt$230 (which is still abt S$11.50).. sigh.. now you know why piracy is a big prob..
anyway the highlight is not here yet.. after watching Rent, the 3 of us went to eat 鼎泰丰!it was uber crowded and there were damn a lot of Japanese there.. like from tour grp or sth.. anyway we had a good feast...
Adrian and all the food we had.. the xiao long bao was good.. tho i dunno how it compares to S'pore's since i nv ate in Sg b4.. :P
And.. we were off to 楊明山 on Sunday to see flowers with our new found frens from Hong Kong.. thought there would be lotsa Sakura but was a bit disappointed cos we could hardly find a Sakura tree in full bloom.. but it was nice to be back in 楊明山 after like 5 mths and in a diff season.. *memories*
Group photo at our 1st stop.. t-shirt and jeans plus nice sun! the guy on the right is a student from Macau.. at NCCU for degree course.. Christine and Iris' fren..
Me and one of the few Sakura trees in bloom there..
Did not haf enough of flowers so we went to this place called 竹子湖 where there are rows and rows of this while flowers called 海芋 (yu4)... much like those sunflower farms.. nice.. and we can actually pluck them for free..
The grp again at 小油坑.. it's spouting sulphur behind us.. the smell is quite horrible.. I'm sure XP and the rest would remember this place...
2 cute kids there.. haha.. the boy was actually trying to jio the gal.. kids in taipei are cute.. dunno why.. and they tok and respond to strangers.. sg babies seem so dao1...
our last stop, 擎天崗... another place i've been to b4.. but i quite like all the greenary here.. fyi this is where the self shot on the blog banner took place.. see the throngs of ppl there...
inspired by the kids.. we decided to play scissors paper stone and the loser had to roll down the slope.. well obviously i lost! but it was fun.. haha.. felt like a kid again.. they actually took a video of me rolling down.. omg..
p.s. took lotsa photos in 楊明山.. too many to post here.. maybe will find somewhere to upload...
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