As mentioned, we've decided to juz go down to 新竹 on friday and stay in to do work for the weekend.. yesh work.. we are model students here ok.. haha.. the students here pon newswriting class till the teacher got mad last week and decided to lock the door and welcome one by one whoever comes late.. and cos we were always one of the first few to arrive he kinda thinks we are good students.. haha.. anyway that's besides the pt..
so yupz, we went to this place called 薰衣草森林 Lavender Forest in 内灣 which is in 新竹縣... it's some distance from the city so we had to change trains after we reach 新竹。 and even after we reach 内灣 we still had to take a shuttle bus up to the Lavender Forest which is apperently 400+ metres above sea level.. so all in all took us abt 3 plus hrs before we got there.. erm i must say the place is not as spectacular as i tot it would be.. esp since it's such a hassle to get there and after so much hype.. but it's a tranquil place with pretty good view.. nice to relax on a lazy afternoon.. but the best part is they have good ice cream.. of cos muz eat lavender ice cream rite.. haha.. and i was expecting to see much more lavender...

yummmy yummy lavender ice cream at lavender farm.. hahaand well it was more of a food tour there than anything.. well we tried 臭豆腐 for the 1st time at the 内灣老街... i felt it was alright but the 2 of them cannot stand the taste.. haha.. but i think we can definitely find nicer 臭豆腐 around.. and there was the muah chees, all sorts of 餅 and 畺花粽子that we ate at 内灣 before proceeding to 新竹city to eat more..
maybe it's cos we did not visit the correct places but i thot that there's actually nothing very special or unique about 新竹。 The city is well, juz like any other city, with Sogo shopping centre and all sorts of shops for shopping and eating nearby.. but actually i also dunno wat to expect lah.. well at least now i can say i've been to another city in taiwan..
next stop.. prob 九份、基隆 or juz 淡水.. next few weeks gonna be busy so will juz haf to be somewhere near i guess..
=sights from 内灣 and 新竹=
新 竹火車站, me and Adrian on 内灣 bound train, 内灣戲院(landmark of 内灣 area), Lavender Farms and the Lavender flowers ( the workers there are all dressed in purple!), the 3 of us on yet another outing, 新竹火車站 at night.