Saturday, July 10, 2010


Have u heard of Vipassana?

It's also my first time hearing it today and the whole idea sounds so crazy and yet kinda enticing...

Vipassana is a form of meditation, and is taught thru a 10-day residential course. In those 10 days, all you do is sleep, eat and meditate (for almost 14 hrs a day). You will not have any form of communication with you, nor any form of entertainment. (No computer, internet, tv, radio even books). You must not even talk to fellow meditators in the course for 9 days. (The reason dinner conversation became this was cos I was too full and said I wanna 封口,so it led to this other form of 封口。)

So, all you have for 9 days is you and your mind.

It's supposed to help u clear your mind, see things in a different light.

And all you'd be eating is fruits and vegetarian food. (think lose weight)

Best part is, it's a free course.

And it's actually held in Singapore at St John's Island.

But maybe I should try normal meditation first. 10 days is so no joke!

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