Thursday, November 15, 2007

4 jabs in a day

my arms are aching so much, it's distracting my concentration to study...

taking 4 jabs at a go is no joke.. all these in prep for the Philippines trip..

Hep A

Woah.. feeling weak now.. as my body is fighting all these anti-bodies..

wonder if there's any side effects of having too many vaccinations...

now back to studying Media Law... headache!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

long time no see

久しぶり!还就不见!long time no see!

well.. obviously many things happened during this time.. so much so that i totally forgot about the existence of my blog..

but the greatest of all is that my elder bro is leaving for UK next Tuesday for 1.5 years.. The last time someone was away was me.. on exchange but that was only for 5 months..

1.5 years... hmm.. seems long..

will i miss him?